Jul 23, 2008
i have the stock fender and broke it doing a wheelie :bang: oh well such is life. i want to replace it with a mx fender but dont want to spend 50$ for the maier plastic. i heard that the UFO kx125/250/500 fenders will work with very minimal effort. anyone know what years of these fenders will fit, or if any others will fit. i heard of someone putting an 07 kxf450 rear fender on to

Aug 4, 2008

Polisport and Acerbis also make KXF style front fenders that fit straight on without any drilling etc. :cool:


Apr 3, 2009
Geesh. Now you tell me. I have a brand new UFO rear fender with tail light ($42) test fitted to the bike being restored... you know, the bike that a previous owner removed all other lighting from. :(. If I coulda found a $22 non tail light fender, I probably would have bought that... though it's probably not a bad idea to have a tail light if I get stuck in the woods at dusk... especially given I'm an old slow fat guy that will likely be bringing up the rear :ride:

(Running that light will also keep some heat out of the voltage regulator, assuming it even works... I haven't tested that yet, and if it's like everything else on this bike, it'll be broken also).

The UFO plastic is nice stuff... mine came with a minor chip in the tail light cover straight from Dennis Kirk, which Kirk offered to make right if I wanted to send back just the cover. Its nice strong beefy stuff and fit perfectly.

Aug 4, 2008
Oh, didnt realise it was the rear fender he was on about. Sorry but mine is a Maier one on the rear, i was talking about the front. I have an Acerbis LED tail light fitted to it as my bike is fully road legal (rear and front brake lights), hi/lo headlight etc etc. Anyway, the thread is a year old, why was this dug up? :)

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