
Jun 26, 2001
I just bought an old Honda MTX 80. The problem is that the petrol seems to leak quite badly even when i only turn the fuel to ON for about 10 seconds. The other problem is, the exhaust is very white even after running the bike for a while. When you put the fuel in, you have to put it in already mixed with oil because something was broken. Could the white exhaust fumes mean the mixture is too lean or too rich? ALso, I would like to know where I can learn about maintaining my bike. I bought the Motocross and Off-Road peformance handbook, but I don't understand much about it.
Thanks for your time,
Graham Hinchly


Jan 17, 2001
First, stop the gas leak. If you don't you'll have a bomb blow you up. That is just way too dangerous.

Second, do plug checks and try to rejet it so that you get the plug to a light tan color.

Please fix the gas leak first, and do the job right. Don't cut corners because you are dealing with a very dangerous situation.


Aug 5, 2001
Your gas leak sounds like your float in the bottom of your carb is stuck or way misadjusted. Check that NOW. Is that bike a two stroke? I hope it is if you are mixing gas and oil. Make sure your gas/oil ratio is right. The smoke means definitely a way rich mixture. Could be attributed to to much fuel entering the cylinder (stuck float), and/or your gas/oil ratio is off. If you bike is not a 2-stroke, but a 4-stroke, and you are putting oil in the gas "because something was broken," then you have serious problems. Get it checked out, or you won't be riding that bike for long.


Jan 17, 2001
Good point snaggle, stuck float could be the porblem.
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