Where is all my coolant going?


Jan 20, 2001
Where is all my coolant going? 2001 200. Things are usually ok but if I'm really riding hard I seem to be losing quite a bit of coolant. Appears to not be leaking anywhere. Heck I rode a hard 15 mile loop last weekend at Loretta Lynns and it was all gone from my resevoir. Cylinder didn't seem that hot to the touch. Other loops used up coolant also but not as much. Like maybe halfway between full and low lines. This was my first ride since installing Devol radiator gaurds. Could they make it run hotter? I seen other posts where they say the Devols made no diffence. Any ideas appreciated.


Oct 14, 2001
are you positive theres no leaks? what about a leak INSIDE the engine? that has happened before...also, are you using the correct coolant mix ratio?

Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
Not to worry the coolant is escaping out the overflow tank's vent tube when the bike is being jarred around trail riding. Most people, including my self, don't run any coolant in the overflow tank. The level in the rads is maintained no problem and if the bike does overheat and dump its fluid it goes to the tank anyway. To confirm that's the case with your bike check the coolant level in the rad before you ride and again the next day. Be sure its cool before opening the cap. I'm sure you'll find the level is staying consistant.



Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Just a bump to bring this to the top.

David, are you saying that even with a perfectly tight system, one would expect to blow some coolant out the reservoir? I have lost maybe an inch or so from the reservoir in 15 hours of run-time since new. The temps have been low to mid 90's during most rides. I have never seen fluid coming out the tube, but at the rate it is going down, it would be difficult to see.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
My overflow tank is always empty but when I check my Rad it's full every time. Some folks just toss the overflow bottle and run a hose down the frame instead.


Nov 24, 1999
I would remove the tank. I had the same problems 10 years ago so I removed my reservoir and 3 KDX bikes later with zero problems.


Mar 23, 2001
My 01 220 does the exact same thing. I keep the overflow tank and just top it off to full line about every 3 to 5 rides. Takes like 2 secs with a 8mm socket to remove tank shrouds. It's just part of my normal routine along with WD-40 on chain, test chain slack, make sure air in tires, fire it up, grip it and rip it.



Jul 4, 2002
I did a 50 mile loop last weekend in 90' weather at 4k to 8k ft and lost all of my overflow and about an inch out of my radiator. Half of the ride was single track low gear stuff. I thought I had lost my rear brake due to all the fluid on the rear wheel and brake rotor. Did I mention I dropped the bike 4 times? I have since changed from a 150 main to a 158 and put in a b9 es instead of the b8 es I had in. Any thoughts? Oil is clean, no water in engine.
'93kdx200 stock


Oct 14, 1999
From fred:
My overflow tank is always empty but when I check my Rad it's full every time.

Same here.

BUT!! that leading to the conclusion that you might as well remove the tank is a logical error. ...sez me.

I did that. Figured, what the heck. All the tank is doing is impeding airflow!

But THEN I did have coolant loss from the rads.

So, I put the tank back on. Yeah..it's almost ALways 'low' or empty, but again, my rads are always full!

Denny's experience notwithstanding......it's cheap insurance.

(no warranty expressed or implied, image in mirror (it said in the bathroom) may appear larger than it actually is!)


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
From speedyts49

"I thought I had lost my rear brake due to all the fluid on the rear wheel and brake rotor. Did I mention I dropped the bike 4 times?....Any thoughts?"

Don't drop the bike :confused:
Really though, since the weather has heated up around here I find that I'm losing more coolant out of my tank but level is good inside the rad. Probably not healthy for any fluid level in the bike once it's upside down. I rode with a guy on an XR250 a while back who looped out on an uphill jump which resulted in his bike puking it's oil guts out all over the trail. I mean his bike was empty. He parked trail side while we rode several miles to get more oil. I'd just say that when you do have a gnarly dismount while you conduct your "post crash inspection" of the bike, start paying attention to the fluid levels and see if they're affected. Good luck and I hope you get over your cra****is, most good bike docs say that it passes in 7 to 10 rides ;)


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
cr25096er: I'm not really sure. We checked the bike over pretty well looking for a crack in the case or frame, but couldn't find anything. My brother IrishEKU did the inspection, we assumed that when the XR was upside-down it just bled out of the overflow. But you know what happens when you assume....

Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
David, are you saying that even with a perfectly tight system, one would expect to blow some coolant out the reservoir?
That's the thing the system isn't perfectly tight there is an overflow hose running out of the tank so that if you do overheat the bike and coolant starts dumping out of the rads the tank won't become pressurized and potentially rupture. If your rad level is consistent then your coolant is escaping from the overflow vent. It’s not being forced out but rather when your bike is bouncing around its spilling out.

I would encourage you to leave the tank in place and inspect your fluid level at the rad before each ride. If you do over heat the engine the tank will capture the fluid escaping the rads. As the system cools down the fluid will be drawn back into the rads and you won't have to worry about sending someone for a jug of coolant before you can continue your ride.


Curt Doelman

Dec 22, 1999
I am having the following problem of overheating, this only happens on 1st & 2nd gear steep trails. The coolant starts getting out of the overflow and when I check the radiator it is almost empty and have to refill it . When I ride easy trails the coolant level in the tank and radiator are maintaining their level no overheating !
Is this problem due to a clogged radiator or something else?


Jul 4, 2002
i just talked to someone at fredette about the coolant loss and he also said that low gear climbing etc. would cause you to lose coolant due to heat in the engine. Example; yesterday i ran 65 miles of mostly flat some hills and never lost a drop but the week before i did 50 miles of mostly climbing and desending in a low gear and lost all of my resivior plus an inch of my rad coolant. I did change my main jet from a 150 to a 155 but at low revs. this probably had little affect.
'93 stock
soon to have torque ring


Oct 14, 1999
Other things being OK (caps on both rad AND reservoir, jetting etc), if you JET for a '7' but RUN an '8', specifically an 'EG' or better, you'll run a lot cooler.

On a hot day with a '7' plug my bike overheats (read: rad hissing and puking). Not with an '8'. Well, hasn't happened YET anyway.

Oh...that cap on the reservoir is pesky. Easy to put on crooked. Easy to get the gasket crooked.

There IS a gasket, btw. Have one in YOUR cap?

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