Where to store bikes?


Nov 25, 2007
I am moving out the current house I am renting because the landlord wants to remodel the house.

The problem is that it's so hard to rent a place with garage here in Los Angeles, and most houses are unbelievably expensive.

I once thought about purchasing a house, but I figured that there was no way I was paying a fortune for a tiny condos/houses. I don't even know if LA is the place I should be living.

I was wondering how&where you guys keep your bikes if you don't own a house. Have you guy ever had a trouble with landlord because you ride dirtbikes?

I am almost thinking about quitting riding.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Right now is probably the best time to buy a house. The market is down, so sellers are taking a bath.


Jan 9, 2005
Yes they are...

Ask a friend to keep your bike next to his. Stay away from storage units. I've been hit hard twice in two different states. Those cowards drive around spying when your door is open and hit you when you leave.


Apr 18, 2006
I store my bikes at my brother-in-laws house, which is out in the desert (Apple Valley) about 15 minutes from the area I like to ride most. Works great for me!

If you can't mooch off a friend then your best bet would be a storage unit. The better units have locked gates and alarm systems which makes your stuff reasonably safe. I would recommend not only locking the door but locking the bikes to something or to each other with a really, really strong chain that is bolt cutter resistant. The thieves can get the door open pretty easy, but trying to pick up two bikes at the same time to lift into the back of a pickup would not be an easy task.


Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
IndyMX said:
Right now is probably the best time to buy a house. The market is down, so sellers are taking a bath.
Yeah, I'd love to buy a bigger house right now. It's just that losing my a-- on my current house would kill me. :bang:


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
When I lived in an appartment I keept my bike in a storage unit that I rented. It worked out OK with a few exceptions.

#1 - You are not allowed to store gas and olis in a storage unit. I think it might even be a CA law. I told the folks that I rented from that I would drain the gas and oil before I put the bikes in storage...... I only drained the gas.

#2 - The hours that you can access the storage units is usualy from 6 or 7am to 6 or 7pm. That window sucked for me because we always left early in the am and rarely get back eary enought to get to the storage in time.

#3 - theft. I never had a problem because I had an interrior storage unit in a closed building. But I have heard of others that have had exterior units that had problems.

For God's sakes please don't give up riding just because of storage issues. Can you store your bike at a buddy house until you get a place to keep it? Hell you can keep it in my garage for a while if needed. I have a few bikes to keep it company....lol

Good luck.


Nov 25, 2007
I was actually thinking about renting a storage unit, but like you mentioned, access time would be the problem(7am - 9pm). If I couldn't come back before 9PM, I would be in trouble.

Besides I didn't know that I wasn't allow to store gas and oils in a unit. This makes it more inconvenient....

>>Can you store your bike at a buddy house
I only have few riding buddies, but I could probably ask them. The thing is that I would not feel comfortable asking them to keep my bikes. It seems too much to ask. I am a mid-30's mature rider so that I kind of feel that I should not depend on someone else on this.

I am a foreign born came to this country to have happy dirtbiking life. It almost took me 10 years to start riding again...

I guess I'll just have to keep looking for a place with garage...


Jan 9, 2005
I got a call from a storage unit manager. Evidently some Jack A$$ rented the unit next to me and cut through the wall and stole my stuff. He didn't stop there. He went through my wall and kept on going until he ran into a unit with a car that he couldn't get out.

Me and several other's had been paying on our units and never knew that we were had. A couple of months later I was at a stop light and a guy on a dual purpose bike pulled up next to me wearing my custom painted Shoei helmet with my name on the back. I followed him and called the cops. They busted him and he ratted on the pawn shop that sold most of the stuff the was providing them.

Turns out that the guy that had the car in a unit parked it there and reported it stolen so he could collect the insurance money. Several morons got busted on this deal. My home owners paid me for my losses since the unit was within there required distance from my house.

If you choose to rent a unit make sure they have a person living on site or get one with cameras and a coded gate.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
or you can move to texas. cost of living is much lower. riding is at least as good. mx market really picking up here. 70 or so tracks withing 4 hours. depending on what you do some pretty good companies with decent payscales...Thats why we moved.


Jan 9, 2005

I lived in Austin from 1975 until 1996. I raced Rio Bravo, Lake Whitney, Burleson, Good Times, Sayers, Cycle Ranch, Bastrop, Austin Capitol City Night Track, Austin Day Track, Shylow, Wolf Creek, Conroe, Abilene, Astro Dome, Texas Stadium, Orange. Orange had a tree like a drag strip. It would count down and the gate would drop electronically. My last race there was 1981.

I'm not familiar with Your Super mini company. I hope all goes well for you down there. If you ever need a good cylinder porter Mac Whiteside is outstanding. He owns Macs Welding and has done porting since the early 70's. He doesn't advertise but he's a master with a grinder.


Sponsoring Member
Jun 8, 2003
get an enclosed trailer and put no stickers on the outside. or if you must - put something like "The Knitting Barn" something that no one will want to steal!

my mx trailer is very camo - was original white but now has an "i am trash" look of a nice growth of Tennessee mold on the outside. i also keep the bikes chained together to the trailer and the trailer itself has 3 locks, hitch, hitch pin, chain through wheels. while all this will not prevent a motivated thief - it will deter the casual crook

oh, forgot the best option for you. move out of CA - that country is just plain wacked...
Apr 30, 2007
I brought my CR inside my (tiny) apartment, as there were only 5 steps down. After putting down a piece of cardboard to catch the drips, I was set.

It is only an 80, so that maybe made for a little easier time. It was still rather crowded though.

My boss soon heard of the situation, and offered his garage. After I met my boyfriend, it was moved from my boss's garage to my boyfriends garage.

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