
Sep 2, 2008
Alright if someone would mind lending me a little of there knowledge and advice itd be much appreciated.

Im planning a trip to ride through mexico down through central america. From ohio. Not on any big schedule and plan to take my time and make plenty of stops on the way to visit friends,relatives, and once I get down into mexico work on organic farms. Already got some volunteer jobs lined up. Ive always road 400ex atv's and prbly only have about 20 hrs experience on a bike. A lot of people have suggested 650's to me but that just sounds like too much bike for me to start out on... Right? So from reading it sounds like maybe a dz 400s would better suit my needs. I am 6 1" about 160 pounds. Im not all that aggressive and will be doing mostly road driving but once I get down into mexico and central america I figure roads are probably pretty deteriorated. Anybody got any other suggestions?

Has any boy tried to mount some kind of rack on the back for luggage?
Aug 25, 2008
ive been down into mexico in car trips and many times riding family members bikes in mexico some bad roads great scenery lots trails not a problem with police/ lots of rain inthe summer and a drz 400 or xr400 would sound good with a large desert tank

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