White Rock, Arkansas, Dec 1-2.


Sep 14, 2001
Dude, i was being on the sracastic side myself. i do enjoy riding at both Locations and I understand the softening "hence the phrase "easy"! I am not kidding about my kid though...he rocks in the rocks even though he can't touch the ground. Gotta get these flatlanders out more often. If they want easy they can stick around deepwater! or Columbia!:)


Jun 3, 2002
Hey WFO,

If you want to see some of the good riding areas in MO & KS that a majority of us rides, just go to The Good Guys website at www.kcrider.com and click on Milford or Fingerlake or Chadwick.


Nov 2, 2001
Hey rm!

I forgot that Milford was on your website. Looks like a blast! It's quite the road trip for me, but since you guys are willing to haul yer butts all the way down here, I guess I could reciprocate.

Finger Lakes is OK if I want to bring the family, but I get bored there. Usually spend most of my time on the track. Colorado and Utah are always cool places to ride!!! We all just need to take a sabatical from work and go on a six month tour!:)


Sep 14, 2001
I agree...Colorado, maybe Gunnison Co. near taylor park for the guys who really like Rocks or maybe Woodland Park for the guys who want some scenic beauty without all of the hard terrain. Count me in!;)


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I prefer a little south of Gunnison. Try Lake City and Silverton. I'm doin' it this coming year.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
who that went on this white rock ride is from topeka? i was talking to a riding buddy from fayetteville and he said that he has riding buddies in topeka. he seemed disappointed that i didn't invite him on the white rock ride. he said that he rides there all the time.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
I am from Topeka originally. Ask your buddy if it was Mike Kruger or Vincent Davis. Both of which are AA riders that have frequented White Rock. Vincent is an ISDE rider that turned me on to this place some years ago.

As far as Milford goes, it is about my favorite Kansas riding area although Tuttle Creek (Randolph) is much more technical-lots of fun:p

Milford has a fun, fuzzy quality with some cool hills for climbing that suits everybody.

WFO e-mail me when you are going to be up this way-we can get the guys to meet up at Merwin for MX'n then hit Milfod the following day for fast trail riding.


Dec 6, 2001
Well Im finally here! Hi to all that were at white rock. And by the way if I forgot to tell you guys "I had a really good time down there" Its been real interesting reading your reports THE ROCKS WERE GREAT! It beats dust anyday. and thanks to me my bike is clean. Sammy had a good time too and is ready to go back. " the rocks couldn't be that bad" Good luck Greg! Let me know how it comes out! Ew, bad choice of words. Rick take it easy on Jeff and his butt funk. He was just marking his territory. Lots of fun riding and B.S.ing


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Greenwoody
It beats dust anyday

you're right. i didn't have to clean my air filter this week.:confused:

in a few hours i'll be back where i belong...on a motocross track.:)


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Better Late Then Never!

Saturday morning started off cold with a lot of frost on the ground. I arrive at the designated meeting place to await MX547's arrival so se can convoy the last few miles to the hotel in Fayetteville. After waiting for about 20 minutes I get a call on my cell phone from MX547 saying he was on his way. Part way through our brief conversation the phone goes dead. Don't you just love modern technology? After a few more minutes MX547 arrives, and we take off to meet the KC riders at the hotel. Arriving at the hotel, we discover a sea of orange bikes. Man these guys love KTM's is my first thought. After meeting a few people and waiting in the hotel lobby, we convoy to get some grub before heading to White Rock.

Arriving at the trail head there is a strange, but faint sound of banjo picking. At least that's what the KC bunch swore they heard! Everyone has a good laugh at the stigma of banjo picking, stills, hillbillies, corn pipes, and Agent Orange with one overall strap hanging on with zip ties. A few of the KC rides look a little nerves when I ask if anyone has seen the movie Deliverance. To tell you the truth, I was a little nerves also, as this was my first time at White Rock.

Wade enthusiastically leads the group into hells path. I immediately decide I need to check the water temp. in the first stream cross with my boot, and confirm that it is damn cold. Stopping after the crossing I lift my leg as high as I can, only to have the water run out if my booth, down the back of my leg and soak things that don't need to be wet! The first loop is suppose to be "easy". Easy compared to what is all I could think. The first loop saw a bottleneck on a large rock cliff climb, made more difficult by snow, and water running down the hill side. Big Lou falls in front of me, after another rider fell in front him. I can already see the hint of frustration on his face, and think, my turn will come. The group continues to follow Wade like a bunch of lemmings. Deeper into the woods we go. The group stops and Wade announces we are going to take a harder trail. Big Lou, MX547, Jeff from Topeka and myself decide not to go along and we take off back for the trail head. This portion of the ride was the most enjoyable of the day. As we stopped a number of times on the road that was following the ridge line to take in the view. None of us were sure were we where headed, so we get directions a few times, but it is obvious we have missed the trail back to the trailhead. We decide to continue to follow the ridge road and see were it will lead us. Coming around a large bend in the road, a beautiful view comes into sight. All four of us pull of the road to the edge of the mountain, to take in the view. After a few quiet moments Big Lou makes one of those statements that make ya think. "Guys, after the horror that we witnessed in September, we are four luck son of a guns to be here today to take in this view." Everyone was quiet for a few minutes until we took off again. After this little "bounding" moment, I knew we all were in good company. Thanks Big Lou.

Back at the trail head, everyone regroups, and follows Wade once again. More difficult trails are encountered, but the group is having a good time. By this time, I've had my fill of rocks. I hate rocks. Thank God there are not rocks like this on most mx track. I think the only dirt we saw all day was on the road leading into the trail head. The rest of the day is a blur of rocks and will rocks. Ok, there were many downed trees from the ice storm the week before, and leafs that covered the rocks. But mostly rocks. Rocks, rocks, rocks. Rock on dude! Ok, I got that out of my system!

Before the last loop of the day, everyone discovers that Big Lou and Agent Orange have been gone for most of the late afternoon. More jokes about banjo picking, hillbillies, and the movie The Deliverance are all passed around. Some looking more worried about the possibility that a few hillbillies have captured Big Lou and Agent Orange. Concerned, most of the group takes off for one more loop.By now, I don't even listen to Wade's description of the coming ride. Since the place is called White Rock, its no surprise that rocks, water, a little snow, don't forget leafs covering the rocks, and downed trees, plus more rocks, makes a guy think its easy. Wade is either very sick and delusional, or he truly loves this stuff! By the smile on his face all day long, he truly loves riding at White Rock.

About half way through the last loop I have one of those most embarrassing moments. I'm riding third from last, in full survival mode. Suddenly, the trail widens, with no rocks and a large water hole dead a head. Instead of going around, I make the decision to go right through the middle of the water. Now, this water hole is about the largest one the group has gone through all day. Its maybe, 30 yards in length. Hitting it at speed in third all is well. That is until, about 3/4 of the way through, my front tire knifes in and down I go. I quickly discover that the water is over 10" deep. Jumping up out of the water, my whole left side is soaked. Boots filled with water. Water in my helmet and goggles. Gloves full of water. Basically, I'm completely wet. Once I pick my bike up, I look down the trail to see much to my horror, the group had stopped just after the water hole to let everyone catch up. Strangely, once I pull up to the group not a word is said about my dismount. I figured everyone would have a good laugh, and I could say something about living in Arkansas and only taking a bath on Saturday night. After freezing my but off, we arrive close to the trial head. MX547 and myself decide to call it a day and pack it in. After loading up, and while saying our good byes, Big Lou and Agent Orange show up. It was great to see them make it back right before we left. Both looked tired, thirsty, and glad they didn't get captured by a few hillbillies!

I did have a great time, even with the billions for rocks we rode over. Like MX547, it made me a better rock rider. Not that I've ever seen this many rocks before, but I did feel that my skills had been tested, and I was a better for the experience. It was great to put some names with faces and meet more fellow DRN members. Would I do it again? You bet, only not at White Rock! WFO Crusty said something about Chadwick. So, maybe I will have to expand my horizons once again. We will see. To all of the KC riders thanks, let me know when you plan to have a group ride at Merwin. I would love to come up and reciprocate you guys coming down here.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Good report Sawblade. One warning, if don't like Whiterock stay away from Chadwick. You should stick to Stillwater.:D


Nov 2, 2001
Hey guys, Chadwick's not that bad....your gonna give me a complex!!! I'm beginning to think no one wants to come down to visit me. :ugg: I took a guy down there yesterday who hadn't ridden in 6 years and he didn't fall down once (if you don't count him dropping the bike in the campground).

Just look at White Rock as basic training....now you're ready to go off to war and be all you can be! You'll feel like Shane Watts after a hard days ride! Where's the love????????

Hey Sawblade.....I may be going to OK on business in 4 - 6 weeks. You think it'll be warm enough to ride Stillwater?
Last edited:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
wfocrusty- I don't mind the rocks of Whiterock and Chadwick, I race each of them each year. The mxer's are just a little......uh how do I say it spoiled. I mean fresh groomed mx tracks. Jeesh guys let a few rocks scare ya off.:p


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Re: Better Late Then Never!

Originally posted by Sawblade
Strangely, once I pull up to the group not a word is said about my dismount

you're lucky i didn't see it.:debil:


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by justql
The mxer's are just a little......uh how do I say it spoiled. I mean fresh groomed mx tracks

we're still waiting for you to show up at a motocross race. bswift and lorin have done it. now it's your turn. i'm going to have to cut back on this woods riding. it's messing up my mxing. i ended up fourth today.:mad:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Sorry to hear about the fourth. You A riders don't like getting beat huh?:D I really am planning on an mx race. Heck I even bid on an MX bike on ebay.:eek:


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by justql
I mean fresh groomed mx tracks. Jeesh guys let a few rocks scare ya off.:p

The only time I see a fresh groomed mx track is during sign in! Besides, the track I ride on locally has rocks on it. That is until the rock rake is run over it! ;)

The northern folk may think is warm enough in 4-6 weeks to ride Stillwater, but its a crap shoot just the same. I went riding yesterday, about 45 degrees with the wind out of the north at about 15 mph. Needless to say, I rode once for about 25 minutes. The rest of the time I watched the boy ride. I hate cold weather more then rocks! ;)

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Hey Sawblade, glad to see your ride report. You guys let me know where we want to go next-I'm there!

WFO, we are trying to put together a one-dayer @ Chadwick this weekend possibly (Sunday). We'll holler at you guys later this week.

You guys thought it was rocky huh?



Great report! Yanno, I didn't really think of what I said as being that profound. It's just easy to forget sometimes what a big, beautiful country we live in. This place is huge!

BTW-We have a group ride at Merwin nearly every weekend that there isn't a race. And if there is a race, we're usually in it! PM or Email any of us and we can fill you in on weather conditions and race schedules, etc. I think it is only about 2-1/2 hour drive for you from Bentonville.


Nov 2, 2001
Sounds like a plan Wadester! Just let me know when you're going to roll in. I checked the weather forcast and it said rain on Sunday....but, that's good! The forecast usually changes 180 degrees by the time the weekend actually gets here (this is Missouri u know).

Hey Greenwoody, just have Greg practice that new technique he learned from all of us at White Rock on Jeff......he'll come around!!!! :confused:


Dec 6, 2001
WFO your twisted but maybe thats why jeff wont go Maybe mama was going to do that to him this weekend. You know what we said about marriage and dirt bike riding! Heres a perfect example. We'll see who wears the pants!
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