White Rock, Arkansas, Dec 1-2.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Hey Blue Thunder, I just got to thinkin' (THERE is a first)...do you have to slightly countersteer as the lack of your 1/2 appendage is throwin you off-kinda like a old pickup pulling to the right? I'm gonna have to remember that if we are ever side by side in a race or something as you'll park my arse right into a tree or something due to the bike pulling.

BTW, anybody ever actually seen a helmet fire? It ain't pretty:confused:

Blue Thunder

Dec 20, 2000
Awww shucks...that 1/2 toe makes me faster..less unsprung weight ya know!The blue bike doesn't pull funny or anything.. unless straight is funny!
Wade, you riding w/pants but no drawers could bring a whole new meaning the term "tank slapper"...ouch!
WFO...no need for the portable cleaning unit...just point him to a creek and he can flail around..it is quite a show! hehehe;)


Dec 5, 2001
To all of my White Rock buddies did my mention that i had a really good time. Hey did anybody see that ride in april for loretta lynn's

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Yeah, I saw that. It is the weekend of April 6th-which is proving to be the mother of dirt bike weekends. The St. Louis SX and Loretta Lynne ride is THAT weekend (THAT weekend is the weekend that just happens to coincide with our 11 year anniversary). It would take some serious lobbying and major cash gifts to get a reprive. Oh well, at least I have 3 months to work on it.;)


Nov 2, 2001
Looks like your work is cut out for you Wade....I wish you luck! BTW, I might be able to bunk some guys after the SX race at a relative's place if anyone is interested.

200.....so your wanting to ride Loretta Lynn, huh (I'd better stop there). Did I mention that I had a wonderful time at White Rock?????



Dec 5, 2001
ride day?

To all my White Rock Buddies wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I talked to greenwoody (Clint) today and he said that him, Donny, Sammy and the mistery brother-in-law of mine are planning on riding next weekend at Milford. Of coarse this will depend upon the weather. This is about an hour drive west of Topeka. If anyone is interested let us know. Oh, by the way I had a realy goodtime!! :)

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Well...it looks as if the KC group is S&S bound or Chicken Ranch bound. The Ranch is looking choice for a nasty-time riding experience. Not to mention a customer is bringing his CRF out and I think I have wrangled a loop on it out of him. Jeffro, I will call you 12/21 for update. Peace out


Dec 5, 2001
So what is S & S all about is it a motocross track or is it a little of everything. Where did all the White Rockers go? I'm trying to get Clint to get the pictures down loaded. Talk to you later.

Blue Thunder

Dec 20, 2000
I saw your bike..or what I thought was your bike..kind of hard to tell w/all of that dust on it...the thing even tried to speak to me..begging and pleading for someone to get your nuts out of the jar your girlfriend keeps them in and have you escape for an adventure amongst riding buds!:p hehehe...gotta throw some crap your way bro!


Mar 10, 2000
Kicking much mud for a man with 9.5 toes young grasshopper.:uh:

soon enough the mighty CR will roar to life and seek out the riders who have begrudged it's owner for lack of riding.... yeah right!

I'll have to make sure there's someone around to start it for me...;)

damned kids!

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
I can see it now-the older, wily Andy out to prove that his cajonnes really do exist other than in a glass-jar environment issues the moto-challenge to smart-alecky (albeit, pulling/leaning to the left due to phalange imbalance)J-dog.

Oh yeah one catch, make sure it it takes place at IHOP parking lot. Anything else would just be a wee bit too far from sweetie-pie;)

Do you actually own a scoot there Andyman, or is that just a urban legend?


Mar 10, 2000
Well, the Catfish has officially entered the fray.

Urban legend..... to be sure my mud-lovin', creek-wallerin' friend.

I'm sure that soon, very soon, the CR will be rescued from it's dusty abode and taken out for a good romp. "Sweetie-pie" keeps repeatedly telling me that I should go, but I just can't bring myself to reconcile the idea of leaving her in that nice warm apartment to go meandering about in the woods with a bunch of overly flatulent cretins.

If it breaks 40 degrees, my testicles and I will be ready to go, rest assured.

It's on.....Sunday anyone?

Any of my fellow NTAC riders in for some freshly thawed dirt?
Will bIG lOU tear himself away from cleaning his bike and go riding?
Will BlueBlunder forecast the weather with his half present digit?
Is the cATfISH's bike faster with all that new "DEALERSHIP" exotica on it?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?

The world may never know..........:)

(sorry I was laughing while I wrote this....uh..... I mean I was tryin' to work)
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Little bro and I and a few others are going to Knobby Hill MX on Saturday. I've got a new, super-exotic surprise awaiting for the pumpkin. It won't make the bike, or me, any faster, but it will sure look cool.:debil:
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CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
What time mights y'all be arriving at Knobby Hill? I'm going to try to make it.


Roughly 11:00. It's quite the haul for me. Looks like we will have at least 6-8 of us there, maybe a few more. Bring the boys, Wade. That way I might actually be faster than one person out there. I'm pretty sure I can stuff the youngest one in a corner or something!:debil:
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