My brother's YZ 125 (03) has a strange clutch problem..
When the bike is off, you can put it in first and pull the clutch all the way in and the clutch is still engaged and the bike will not move.
If the bike is in idle, and you pull the clutch in all the way and pop it into first, it stalls but does not lurch forward at all.
If the bike is running and you put it in first with the clutch all the way in and give it high revs it will not stall, and when he of course lets the clutch out slowly he gets going no problem.
I checked his clutch cable and it seems to be ok, the tensioner on the lever is in fact all the way out so that the cable is nice and tight. I also checked the engine where the clutch cable hooks up to the clutch arm (is that the right name for it?) and it is defenitly moving quite a bit when you pull the clutch all the way in and out...
At first I thought that maybe his cable has stretched, but it's tight and looks like it's engaging fine, but it's not.
What could be wrong internally? Cause I'm thinking that this is probably the issue is something with the pressure plate maybe... I have no idea now.
Have any of you guys seen this kind of issue?
I really appreciate the help.
When the bike is off, you can put it in first and pull the clutch all the way in and the clutch is still engaged and the bike will not move.
If the bike is in idle, and you pull the clutch in all the way and pop it into first, it stalls but does not lurch forward at all.
If the bike is running and you put it in first with the clutch all the way in and give it high revs it will not stall, and when he of course lets the clutch out slowly he gets going no problem.
I checked his clutch cable and it seems to be ok, the tensioner on the lever is in fact all the way out so that the cable is nice and tight. I also checked the engine where the clutch cable hooks up to the clutch arm (is that the right name for it?) and it is defenitly moving quite a bit when you pull the clutch all the way in and out...
At first I thought that maybe his cable has stretched, but it's tight and looks like it's engaging fine, but it's not.
What could be wrong internally? Cause I'm thinking that this is probably the issue is something with the pressure plate maybe... I have no idea now.
Have any of you guys seen this kind of issue?
I really appreciate the help.