wierd headache


Oct 5, 2001
a wierd thing happend to me the other day. my perhiprial vision started to grey out, then my fingers went numb, and then to cap it all off i was having a hard time speaking, remembering peoples names that i have known for a long time. all this with the worst headache i have ever had. has anybody else had this happen? i went to the doctor , he told me it could be coming from anything and didnt seem to concerned. however he did say i have sinusitus. isnt that the pastrana sickness? p.s this all happened within 20 min while i was sitting at my desk at work, in front of the computor while online here, at drn.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
I've had something similar happen, headache included, and there's no explanation for it. I get it about once or twice a year. Possibly a result of lack of sleep and improper diet, combined with stress. I may never know. It's scary as heck though.


Oct 5, 2001
at first i thought i was having a stroke or somthing. its still kind of scary. i dont want to really over do any thing right now in case i blow a vessel. that would suck. i know there are dirt bike doctors on this site so any info would be appreciated


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
One of my riding buddies gets symptoms like that and his Doc says that it is associated with his blood pressure, and also inter related with stress. Good luck man, hope you feel better.


Dec 11, 2001
Did they recently turn on the A/C at work? Bad air circulation in the office can cause these weird symptoms as well.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
I thought the same thing, stroke, and it scared me real good. These episodes started when I was 23, and I'm 37 now, so hopefully that's inspiration enough to make you worry a little less about it.

I pretty much turn into a zombie, I can still function, as in drive, or carry on a conversation, but it's really hazy and sureal, like I'm on pain killers or something. they last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. After that, I'm still kinda out of it for a while.

Hope you feel better soon. Don't stress out over it. If the doc isn't too concerned, you shouldn't be either.


Oct 5, 2001
thanks , for the help , your right it almost seems like a dream or somthing, very wierd, the numbness in the hands is the thing i cant figure out.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
My Mom had the grey-out of eye sight and some numbness and her doctor thought diabetes, but then later ruled it out after some blood work. It was not stroke or anything like that either, but she gets stressed out so maybe the same thing is happening to you. Like Rooster said, don't worry too much about it, just get some rest and take it easy.

Watch cartoons and have cinnamon toast when you get home. : )


Dec 21, 2001
I've got your answer. Welcome to the wonderful (yeah right) world of migraine headaches. The loss of vision, slurring of speach, etc is called Aura. I have this happen all the time. The last two times I have gone riding it has happened. I lose almost all vision and get severely dissoriented. I cannot drive or really function at all. Go see a nuerologist for some help. They probably won't be able to tell you much b/c it is such a mysterious phenomenon, but they can help. I am starting to link my problems to sunlight, dehydration, exhaustion, not eating, and various other situations. If you have any questions feel free to email me at dcovington@mbakercorp.com. I will be happy to tell you of my experiences. I have been dealing with this for about ten years now. GOOD LUCK!!!

Mike Hubert

Apr 22, 2001
I agree, migranes are a definite possibility. If they get real bad you can get rid of them in about 15 minutes if you are willing to give yourself an injection of a drug named Imitrex. Contact your doctor, they have lots of different treatments available. Migranes can be triggered by lots of things but liquor, stress and changes in sleep paterns are what get me.


May 21, 2001
If I were you I'd go to a doctor. He was having a slight ache in his left arm, and he went to his primary physician. The physician said "you're fine, but I'll send you to get a stress test anyways". Yesterday he had two stents placed in his chest to fix two 95% blockages in an artery. He has no family history. He's 43, 190 lbs. Works out three times a week. Better to be safe than sorry
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