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Feb 10, 2005
ok i used to ride a xr 70 and my brother whould alwas kick my (dainty little bottom - Patman) in drag racing :bang: but now i got an 2005 cr85r ok now i was wondering will a 2005 cr 85r with an 80 pound rider beat a 2004 xr 100 with an 150 pound rider
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Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Now that we fixed your language issue.

The answer is maybe or maybe not. Maybe your brother is just a better rider or maybe he's an average rider and your just slower than snot on a flag pole in Fargo ND on January 2nd. Maybe your old bike was holding you back but the only way to find out will be to do it and find out. How do I know this? My son has a CR85 and a hot rodded XR80 (95cc, cam, headwork....) and I can beat him on either bike even though I weigh 210. It won't be that way for long as he gets more familiar with the CR85 he'll have the edge but right now that's what would happen. Put RC on a 85 and me on a CR500AF and RC will spank me. It's not always about the bike, well actually almost never is it about the bike, it's usually skill and some luck.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Patman said:
maybe he's an average rider and your just slower than snot on a flag pole in Fargo ND on January 2nd.

For the record it was unseasonably warm on Jan 2nd in Fargo :laugh:
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