Woody's Hare Scramble in Perth, ON


May 27, 2002
I'm considering racing at Woody's Hare Scramble in Perth Ontario. Its part of the CMA's National Hare Scramble circuit. I've never raced a Hare Scramble before and I thought about riding in the Novice division.

I got some feedback from Woody that his track is knarly and that it would beat a novice rider like me to pulp. I've only been riding for a year. I don't mind a tough trail. What I'm worried about are sections that might be impassable to an inexperienced rider (i.e. nasty hill climbs, logs, etc). I was under the impression that the trail had to be at least passable for the morning riders since according to the CMA there should be a ladies/kids/novice category to these races.

I will be calling Woody directly for more information about his course, but I was hoping that someone here would have ridden his trail and could give me their feedback on this subject. Anything would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and I wish to point out that I don't expect to be competitive at this race. My objective is to not DNF, not get hurt and get an introduction to the sport.



Sep 25, 2002
Check out the Event Calendar at the CMA website:

Look at the enduro schedule too. 3 great races make up the Canadian National Series. This year is the 50th running of the Corduroy Enduro. 2 days of non-stop fun.

b out


Feb 19, 2003
Mark, Woody's is a tough ride.
It's a swampy area, held together with a lot of rocks.
In the years I've been it's mostly passible. Not much elevation change.
I'd be more worried about the bottom less mud holes which create more lines every lap. It's a pretty pounding event.

Perth is usually later in the season and has dried out by then, but being earlier, adn with the wet winter/spring. I suspect it would be sloppy.

If you go and you find it too tough, don't be turned off. They aren't all like that.
jim j


May 27, 2002

Thanks for the feedback. I will take it under consideration. I don't mind some mud and rocks, but I don't like deep water crossings (been there, done that, didn't like it). I was dissapointed to hear that they had moved it to June. August would have been best for me for multiple reasons (more saddle time prior being one).

I will call Woody's and get an assesment of the current conditions.

You don't happen to know how long a lap would be.... 5km, 10km?

Are you racing the Perth race? If I decide to go, I'll be trying to do the morning run in the Novice class.

Thanks again for your help.


Oct 10, 2001
I did Woody's last year. I went to it thinking it would be technical, and tough, but what I found wasn't really that far from the ordinary. The loop set up was well established. There wasn't any signifiicant mud holes, and the rocks were all very passable.

I only remember one line up a small rock face which was ugly. But after one lap, you'd quickly remember where NOT to go on that one small up.

I'd say it'll be a good one to come to. Generally speaking the turn out is lower, so you'll have less congestion in the lower ranks (which are by far the biggest classes this year).



Oct 10, 2001

Obviously I stand corrected.. The course was a complete mudbath. It was all passable, but very physically demanding. I feel better for doing it, but I can see how some of the Novice's would have just have had a horrible day.



May 27, 2002

Thanks for your input. I had an embarasingly slow crash on my KDX the weekend before the race and hurt a few ribs. Based on your input I decided it would be wisest not to ride the Perth race, but instead heal and ride the August Hare Scramble at Sand Del Lee racetrack.

By the sounds of your feedback, I think it was the right decision. I still intend on doing the Perth race in the future. I am a novice rider, so another year in the saddle might just be the trick before riding a national level hare scramble race.

Thanks again,

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