
Feb 10, 2002
I am 15 and ride a yamaha TTR125L. I have talked my dad into getting me a bigger bike soon and we have been looking at the wr 250, yz 250F, and xr250. My dad wants me to get an xr 250 but I mainly ride in the fields around my house and some trails. I used to have a cr80 expert until I broke my collar bone and my dad sold it. It was alot more fun when I was riding it around the fields which is why I am looking more at the wr and 250F. But from what I hear they can be hard to start at times. What would you guys recomend?



Feb 10, 2002
ok, well i know somone that has a wr250, those babys fly!!! and i hear those pull up really easy too so if u ride wheelies u wont run out of power very quick. those have the preasure release thinger so i hear those start easy if thats what u want. and in the feilds u might like 15 inches of ground clearence. and if u are into jumpin those jump too.....well i recommend the wr250 cuz those start easy and the ground clearence plus u wont run out of power and u can ride wheelies good, later
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