
Jan 10, 2001
Hey all.
For those of you who don't know, X-Park is an off-road park that the guys from SRP Racing are trying to put together in North Haven, Connecticut(USA).
Unfortunately, they are already running into 'walls'
My hope is that with the vast audience that DRN has, there might be a rider or two out there that might be able to help these guys get out.



Here we go AGAIN!

I took this post off of the X-Park message board at: X-Park Forum



Let me start off by thanking everyone for their support.

It seems as though we are being discriminated just because we enjoy riding our offroad motorcycles and atv's. I mean, this is the State of CT, they do not mind taking are sales tax and registration fees and property tax and they do not have any legal places to ride. Sure there is milford Riders, Rocky Hill and Central Village and they are great places but you can't ride a Quad. Can't even ride a quad at Thomaston Damm whats up with that? The State of CT doesn't even control that - Army corp of engineers does from what I am told.

It is time to make a stand, "United We Stand Divided We Fall"
At SRP we would like to Develop a Recreational Park Called X-Park in the town of North Haven. This would consist of a motocross, supercross, quad track, pee wee and a woods loop and also a Skate Board and BMX. We are taking this year to design our site plan so we can go to zoning to get it approved or disapproved.

Now the problem, there is one man trying to stop us - I would mention his name (zonning enforcement officer), but I am not sure if there would be a legal issue...never the less he says we are developing without a site plan. We say no, we are not, there have been trails down there for 30 years or better and we just cleaned them up and made them safer for us to ride on. All we're doing right now is we have some of our friends over to ride and we keep our gate closed and we enjoy ourselves. He says we can't do that. Now he closed and locked a gate on a public road keeping us from access to our property. Who is this guy, the Taliban? So we are in for a long war with this guy.

So if you are passionate about your sport, It is time to spread the word...post messages on the site and every other site - call people you know even people you don't know, just call. Lets unite together and make it legal to ride in CT so we are not criminals

Think about how america was formed...we went and threw all the tea in the water and told them to get the hell out of here
Thank you
John C Slater


Jul 28, 2000
I only have one thing to say that might help you guys.
If this guy has truly locked you off your own property, take him to court. What he's doing is illegal, what you are doing is not and you need to show him that you mean business.

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