We just bought a 98 XR200 for my daughter. It is in good shape, but it won't idle. When warmed up, it will idle with the choke on as smoothly as it should with the choke off. It runs well, however, when above idle. My impression is that it might be too lean to idle without the choke.
I am not knowledgeable concerning the type of carburetor that is on this bike, nor the emissions controls installed. I believe the idle enrichment screw is the one on the front of the float bowl which points down toward the gear cases. Is this the case, and can this be adjusted to enrich the idle mixture? Also, how does the emissions control device effect the idle controls?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I am not knowledgeable concerning the type of carburetor that is on this bike, nor the emissions controls installed. I believe the idle enrichment screw is the one on the front of the float bowl which points down toward the gear cases. Is this the case, and can this be adjusted to enrich the idle mixture? Also, how does the emissions control device effect the idle controls?
Thanks for any help you can provide.