Oct 27, 2002
My friends and are building a motocross track in northwest Ohio and we would like to know if anyone has some ideas to share. Pictures, links, and even video would help. I think that there are quite a few people out there that would like to build a track, but don't know how...please post some ideas. I will be adding some links/ pictures to show my progress...thanks!



AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
That is a great site for more than just track building. Tons of training and technique information. :thumb:


Oct 17, 2000
I recommended getting a product called say "Teleport Pro" and downloading the whole website to your PC (laptop?) for viewing whenever (such as the reading room). But only if its legal.. ;)


Aug 11, 2001
A lot of people don't take drainage into consideration and later regret it. If building from scratch, make sure to think where the rainwater will collect and how you will direct it. Be careful when building jumps and whoops, you don't want 2' deep puddles before every takeoff!


Dec 31, 1969
MXFastGuy is right on... and make sure to drain it where you can use it later. A little pump and some fire hose make for good riding when it's dry.


Jun 16, 1999
Drainage is way important, I have a MXtrack that is a mile and1/2 on 8 acres, I put all kinds of time into making it perfect and it was great until it rain hard a few times, in some spots it was like a pond, all the berms,jumps,and whoops, block water. I had to do alot of work puting drainage tile, it works great now, and make it so it is easy to mow, I have my whoops 4 feet apart sounds like alot but my mower fits right in there, and so does the bucket on my skid loader. weads will be a prob so get your self a small little wead sprayer one that you can tow around, they are about $200 cheaper if you find one used. I live in Iowa and I'm sure you get alot of rain like we do here. and have some grass sead for those times that you tear into the ground. this may sound crazy but 4 wheelers riding around the track eliminates ruts and they build the burms nice. as far as building it, draw something on paper and study the lay out of the land, have your longer doubles going up hill, as well as table tops, rythemsections are a blast cause you have to time them just right to go fast, and that means slowing down to get them right. anyway good luck.


Jul 14, 2000
My brother and I recently built our own motocross practice track on our dads farm. To build it we hired a bull dozer operater to do all of the work while we stood there and told him what to do. It took him a while to catch on, on how to make jumps, etc. but it is well worth it to hire in a bull dozer because the time saved is amazing. Trying to build a track with just a bobcat or a loader tractor takes forever and is hard to do as good as a cat can do. We tried to make the track as safe as possible by making most of the jumps tabletops, and if we did have doubles they were usually fairly small or didn't have sharp peaks. Also if it is possible with your land terrain try to incorporate as many uphills and downhills as you can. These are safe and I believe they add a lot of fun to the track. So hope you have good luck in building your track.


Aug 11, 2001
Consider building the track so that you can run it in both directions, especially if it's a short one. This will keep you from getting bored.

Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
buy dirt that isnt too sandy so it wont wash down.. also,, motocross madness video game has a feature that lets you build tracks and then ride on it,, maybe you can find out if you like a design before building it..
If i build any tracks, i was gonna talk to the guy that lives over in the next county that helps build our arenacross, ive heard it will cost at least 4000 to make a track plus the cost of the base land. Dont forget that the dust will be all over everything in site in case you have neighbors.
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