
Oct 14, 1999
I presume I will get a notice to renew when applicable?

Not that it matters a whole lot...but an expiration date maybe somewhere in the control panel would be nice.

Why nice?

Guess I don't have a sensible answer to that. Hhhmmmm...not that that has ever stopped me. ;)


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Not sure about that one, I'm sure it would mean entering more code than it's worth. But, the OMNIPITENT ONE, usually sends out a notification in the forums to those who are schedualed for termination. ;)

I think I saw at least one of them when I was around more.

Worried? :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I know I subscribed within the first few days? of subscriptions coming online and the date of my paypal transaction was October 30th.

Paypal transaction receipts I do keep - actually it's amazing the amount of emails I've got from everywhere - one day I'll clean that programme out ;) hehehe

Hope that helps you some CC (no idea what the policy is about renewals, but guess I'll find out in a few months)


It should be listed as a subscription with PayPal. Meaning, that when the year is up, it will automatically bill you again for another year, from your primary funding source. You can go into your PP account and delete the subscription if you don't want to be billed automatically. That's how my purchased subscriptions through PP work, anyway.


Oct 14, 1999
I'm looking at my paypal account. I see no heading for 'subscriptions'.

Aha...but under 'history' I do see an 'active' account with a date of 10/29.

I win, michelle! I beat you by a whole day! (well, maybe it was the SAME day on your side of the world??)

thanks for the info. I couldn't have even told you I paid via paypal in the first place.

See? I need someone to save MY receipts FOR me!
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