okay this is starting to make me wonder alittle bit, my '02 YZ 125 after riding it after its nice and warm and I stop the power vavle breather hose leaks a tiny bit of oil. It didn't do it from new but after I got like 30 hrs on the motor is when it started. I just put in a new top end in it and everything looked great. The power valve was nice and clean operated fine. The bike is jetted great and I just put in a new air fliter. I haven't ever over filled the crank case when changing the oil either. I'm just at a loss on why it does this after every ride when its nice and warm. It doesn't do it while i'm riding just after the bike hasn't been running for a few mins 3-5 mins. The amount of oil the comes out in very small, Am I just tripping and its normal as this is what its suppose to do? Its just got me wondering cause other owners of the same bike haven't had this happening.