
Jun 21, 2010
Well i bought my 07 Cr250r the 16th of June :) after the first ride I found my silencer was leaking oil all over my swingarm. So i located where the majority of the oil was leaking from which is on the small bolt underneath the silencer. Other than this irritating problem the bike is in tip top shape
I am just wondering if anyone else has had this problem with their silencers? its not much of a problem other than i go through a can of degreaser in one day :yell:


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
Every 2 stroke owner who hasn't jetted their bike properly suffers from excess spooge.

Learn to jet and repack the silencer and you'll solve the problem.


Jun 21, 2010
IndyMX said:
Every 2 stroke owner who hasn't jetted their bike properly suffers from excess spooge.

Learn to jet and repack the silencer and you'll solve the problem.

My bike is jetted correctly,i believe the fact that it sat for a year and the dealership had a incorrect ratio of gas to oil could have caused it. now after a good 3 hour ride i have only a few spots. I have ordered in a new silencer as well.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
If it's spooging all over the place like you say, it's not jetted right.. It's crazy rich.

I'd guess if you did a plug chop, you'd find that...


Jun 21, 2010
IndyMX said:
If it's spooging all over the place like you say, it's not jetted right.. It's crazy rich.

I'd guess if you did a plug chop, you'd find that...

sorry I did not mean to sound offensive, I appreciate your input very greatly. :nod: Im still leaning twords a bad silencer. id be willing to post pictures to show if this would help any


Jun 21, 2010
IndyMX said:
Spooge is almost always caused by a rich condition.

I agree, upon further inspection the back of my silencer is starting to come apart. I sure hope my fmf comes in soon



Jun 21, 2010
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
And the new silencer is akin to a new feminine hygiene product? Vintage Bob
Arnt you just a barrel full of funny. For your information I installed the new silencer and my spooge problem is gone. so I think that you might want to remove the feminine hygeiene for a certain part of your body Cheers. :nener:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Cr250r07 said:
Arnt you just a barrel full of funny. For your information I installed the new silencer and my spooge problem is gone.

... until the new packing fills up with oil from your jetting that is too rich. Then you can repeat the cycle again. Come out here, ask what the problem is, get a correct answer, choose to ignore the advice that is clearly correct, and then... :coocoo:

You can run 16:1 oil ratio and not have spooge IF you jet correctly. If the jetting is off (and your jetting is most likely WAY off) you could lean it out to 66:1 and you'd still have a spooge problem.

... but why am I wasting the ASCII? You already told us it's NOT a jetting issue. Don't we all just feel like dopes for suggesting otherwise? :rotfl:


Jun 21, 2010
Rich Rohrich said:
... until the new packing fills up with oil from your jetting that is too rich. Then you can repeat the cycle again. Come out here, ask what the problem is, get a correct answer, choose to ignore the advice that is clearly correct, and then... :coocoo:

You can run 16:1 oil ratio and not have spooge IF you jet correctly. If the jetting is off (and your jetting is most likely WAY off) you could lean it out to 66:1 and you'd still have a spooge problem.

... but why am I wasting the ASCII? You already told us it's NOT a jetting issue. Don't we all just feel like dopes for suggesting otherwise? :rotfl:

lol i find this funny! actually my bike isnt rich and I guess no arguing in the world is going to convince yall otherwise, if you must know After i replaced my silencer i tore into the old one and found it was gutted The seals were rotted out and After I called the dealership and found out that they washed the bike with out a exhaust plug therefore filling the exhaust up with water. But hey im just a stupid boy what do I know I mean ive NEVER! rode a dirtbike before I mean I only am a Mechanic. Im not disputing yalls knowledge of dirtbikes and there workings but come on A Broke silencer is a broke silencer. but dont listen to me :blah:


Jun 21, 2010
And that was the reason for the Watery oil leaking out of The BAD seal on the FIRST day I Rode the bike after i BOUGHT it. But hey I guess expirance rules in this case.
I mean whoever had the bike before me had obviouosly never heard of a repack and the dealer forgot to plug the exhaust while cleaning it.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Do not go over board, with your panties all in a wad now? If they did that to the silencer, I would be real concerned about the engine, if all the water got into there also. If this is the case, you did not have REAL spooge per say, yet! If you feel the power dropping off, running hotter or fouling plugs, then its definitely open and explore time. If you can check the compression to ensure its still high enough? Vintage Bob


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Bad muffler bearing.

See Rich a "real mechanic" has figured it all out and told ya' how it is :laugh: Maybe Eric should call him for some pointers as well?

Hey Bob a real mechanic would have already checked the compression once they heard the exhaust had been filled with water so ya' know he's already done it ;)

Let me get this straight "somebody" washed the bike and filled the exhaust with water? What stopped it from filling the rest of the engine with water? :think:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
You Honda guys get all the perks, our Suzuki's and Kawi's have never come with a single seal in any of the silencer's I've repacked over the years.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Patman said:
See Rich a "real mechanic" has figured it all out and told ya' how it is :laugh:

I will obviously go into the weekend "better" informed. :whoa:

Maybe I'll take my spooge free 18:1 ratio RD350 out for a ride, but first I'll have to find some of those magic muffler seals that block spooge formation in the exhaust canister. Yanno, just in case the spooge fairy takes my properly jetted bike and plays some evil tricks with the combustion process.

Either that or I'll take some brass with me so I can correct for the weather and humidity changes. :coocoo:

It's puzzling to me why a genuine bonerfied "mechanic" would need to come to an internet forum and ask a bunch of random strangers why there is spooge all over his bike, when he clearly has all the answers. Even more odd. How does a "mekinik" like hisself not notice a gutted silencer as soon as the bike fires up the first time, and more importantly not shut it off and address the issue immediately given the major influence the silencer has on jetting and the pipe tuning.

Curious indeed.

Is it possible the lad is fibbing? :yikes:

Cr250r07 said:
but dont listen to me

Consider it DONE!! :cool:
Last edited:


Jun 21, 2010
fine whatever you know what? I really dont care what you guys have to say the bikes is stick with stock jetting. so i hope yall know youve been arguing with a 13 year old yeah real expiranced of you guys Ill just take my business elsewhere

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Cr250r07 said:
so i hope yall know youve been arguing with a 13 year old yeah

We NEVER would have guessed. :rotfl: :rotfl:

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