Quality of One Industries Kombat Helmet?


Jan 11, 2005
I'm in the market for a off-road helmet. I'm in the process of getting back into off-road riding, after riding sportbikes the last 10-years. I don't need the latest, lightest, high-tech stuff out there....just something that has a good fit and good quality. A shop nearby has them on sale for $150 (the mail-order ads in the magazines have them priced just about the same if not a little more), so I'm going to head there in the next day or so to try some on.

Anyone familar with this brand/model? Was also going to look at HJC, MSR and Thor xT that are roughly priced the same.



Aug 2, 2005

Sorry , I dont know about the quality of these helmets, but I can mention when you get a chance to try them on dont forget to try on your fav brand of goggle with them, for some reason some helmets( at least for me
) just will not work with certian kinds of goggles. I had to swap my oakleys for scotts to be able to see out of my tld. Get a good snug fit, the foam will break in and cause slop.


Jan 11, 2005
I ended up getting an O'Neal Helmet....I spent close to an hour at the shop trying on different makes and models....though I did stay away from the $450 models...too much for my budget....I highly suggest when in the market for a helmet, go to a shop and take your time trying as many on as you can....some of the higher end models didn't seem to fit my head as well as the O'neal model it was on sale for $99, reg 130, its DOT/Snell approved.....just seemed to fit well.

I can not stress the importance of taking your time and trying on as many as you can...ended up getting a Large, my Arai road helmet is an XL, the Fox helmet in L was way to tight....so try on as many as you can.

ok now I have dirt helmet, gloves, pants and jersey...just need boots........oh yeah, and a dirt bike....still working on that part. :laugh: still being tempted by a used 02 RM 250 :)

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