
Jun 21, 2000
Ok, If I drop the headlight & tailight on my 01 WR250, do a couple of the mods like the Gray wire, vortip, etc. Will I have something Very similiar to the YZF 250 ?? I assume the weight is very close even with the headlight. Also, who sales the Vortip ? Hypersports ?


Feb 12, 2001
a) the wr weighs about 15-17 pounds more than the yzf-- the headlight, tailight, odometer, exhaust system, coolant reservior, kickstand, steel subframe, chain, and steel sprocket all are contributors to the the heavier wrf. moreover, the extra gallon and change of fuel that the wrf carries around adds another 7-8 pounds.

b) in order to get the engine/tranny from wrf mode to yzf mode you need to change the timing, plus swap out 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th gears. and, the wrf has a heavier flywheel than the yzf, which makes it less prone to stalling. if i'm not mistaken, the wrf has a *slightly* different clutch config, in terms of the number (or was it type?) of plates.

c) small correction, the vortip was licensed by white borthers, it is a http://www.finelinesuspension.com/ product.

the wrooster
'01 wr250f


Jun 21, 2000
I'll proably change the Bars, remove the Headlight/tailight, and maybe look for a yz seat/tank, but the flywheel & gearing will proably be a plus for the trail riding I do. It sounds like the ultimate bike for trails and light MX, I'll let everyone know my opinion in a few days. I'm very curious to see how big a difference the Gray wire makes. Anyone know a reasonable place to get yz style Seat/Tank for the WR ??


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
I did what you're doing with my WR400. I removed the headlights, put a YZ fender and number plate on, bought an odometer housing eliminator for the front wheel, put a vortip on. The largest difference was from replacing the stock WR pipe with a YZ pipe and BMP spark arrestor kit. While the Vortip helps with power and is close to the YZ/BMP combo, the WR pipe is at least 3 times the weight of the YZ pipe. You should be able to find one form someone that swapped their YZ250F pipe out for an aftermarket item.


Feb 12, 2001
re: the seat/tank issue.

the IMS tank obstructs the hot start and choke buttons in a big way. so much so that you will want to move the hot start to the handlebars with one of the available kits. so if you don't need the fuel capacity of the larger tanks, just get a stock yzf tank from either the 250f or 426f. but if you do need the additional fuel, try out the acerbis 3.2gal tank-- it allows much better access to the hot start and choke buttons. http://www.acerbis.com/

in any case, you'll need either a stock yzf seat (again you can use the seats from either a 250 or 426) or an aftermarket equivalent. i have heard good things about SDG, and they seem priced right at around $85 for a complete seat including all the brackets etc.

the wrooster


Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
YZF Tank/seat

Im trying to find the replacement YZF tank/seat for my Wr426, but dont want to pop for the $$$ of the OEM. Got any ideas?? I dont need 3.2 gals, 2.2 would suffice.


Jun 21, 2000
Ya I would also like the SDG seat and a 2.2. gal tank, but Don't know where to buy from ? the stock yzf 250 priced for like 325 or so at Troy, any numbers on where to get this stuff at MUCH more reasonable prices ? I'm not interested in another 3.1 gal tank.


Feb 12, 2001

for the seat, just buy the SDG or IMS.

for a stock tank,
go to http://www.thumpertalk.com/ and post in the yz250f/yz400f/yz426f forums asking for a slightly used yzf tank. many harescramble riders on the yzf's ditch the stock tank on day one for a larger capacity unit. i've seen some yzf'ers sell the stock tank for $150-175 or thereabouts.

the wrooster


Jun 15, 2001
I cant find the price for the acerbis tank, anyone know what it cost? Whats the deal with the vor tip anyway, I am running my WR with the baffle out. Dose it go in the end or replace the whole end of the pipe?


Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
As far as I know, Acerbis only has the 3.2 gal tank. I could be wrong, but cant find it on the site.
The Vortip fits right in the end of your exhaust. I have heard both sides on the Vortip-you still dont get the explosive power, but it is quiet.


Feb 12, 2001
the acerbis 3.4gal tank for current model yama's is US $220 direct from acerbis, or you can get it from chapparal for around the same price. here's a cut-n-paste from the acerbis web site...to get here pick "fuel tanks" from the right hand side menu, then pick yamaha...
YZF250/400/426 with Aluminum Cap
• 13 liter (3.4 Gallon) capacity
• Complete with billet aluminum filler neck, threaded gas cap.
YZF250 01-01 White 11161206 220.00
YZF250 01-01 Natural 11161213 220.00
YZF250 01-01 YZ Blue 11161282 220.00
YZF400 98-99 White 11161006 176.00*
YZF400 98-99 Natural 11161013 176.00*
YZF400 98-99 YZ Blue 11161082 176.00*
YZF426 00-01 White 11161206 220.00
YZF426 00-01 Natural 11161213 220.00
YZF426 00-01 YZ Blue 11161282 220.00
*New lower prices

re: the vortip
i have the vortip insert in my wr250f. it installs/removes in about 10 seconds, using the same bolt hole that the stock insert uses. the vortip is very quiet. there is a slight reduction in power, not too much though, and a *very* good tradeoff as compared to the stock insert. if you need to meet stringent sound check rules, it's the way to go.

the wrooster


Jun 21, 2000
Got my WR250/Ride Report.

I finally got the 01 WR250 today, here is my 1st ride report, well there was no first ride for about 2 HOURS, couldn't get it to start.:( Although I did not have the manual and I never owned a four stroke before. It still shouldn't be as tricky as it is. After about 2 hours, I figured out the combination to start these things. I thought DUH if I hold the compression release in too long, thats making me lose most of the stroke of the kick, so finally I figured out the Procedure, it has started 1, 2 or 3rd kick after that fairly easy. I took the airbox lid off & removed the Cork from the silencer, big difference, although, BOY its loud. I will proably order a Vortip, I also ordered some CR Bend Tag bars. Tonight I'm going to the garage and cutting the Gray wire. I did finally get to ride the bike (thanks to the headlight, which I needed after cranking for 2 hours :) ) It is not a CR250 like I had, but it does seem fast, kinda of deceiving, I was going faster than it seemed like, you just dont notice I guess because its not explosive and sounds so different from the 2 stroker. It seems to get the power to the ground alot better. The sing biggest thing I didn't like was the Goliath Gas Tank. It holds at least 25 gallons, and it is big & wide, but even with it the bike is comfortable, I done one small jump about a 8 foot double, I was scared at first because its sooooo different than a 2 stroke, I didn't feel like I could judge the speed I needed as easy as my 2 stroker, but it went across no problems, suspension felt better than my stock CR250 suspension. My first questions were, Will the Vortip work ok with Gray wire mod and air box lid removed. and I'm in the market for a yz tank / seat. The power is Very hard to describe, I can't really tell when I'm lugging it Too much, it is very luggable, I NEVER had any stalling problems, some would lead you to believe if you let off the gas it stalls, I went down some extremely steep inclines which are rocky & slow, 1st gear stuff with and without holding in the clutch, bike never seem like it wanted to stall. I am afraid to jump the bike, like I did my CR, just afraid of that rear coming too high. I am used to hitting jump faces in 2nd & 3rd and giving it that last second blip. Starting was the biggest worry, but its over with. I don't forsee a problem with starting now.:) :)


Jun 21, 2000
Throttle stop

The dealership I purchased the bike from "SAY" they already cut the throttle stop, Is there an easy way to tell if they done it right ?? I hope they didn't just remove it, I have heard this is BAD idea. This is the biggest thing I'm worried about, becuase I didn't do it, You never know what someone else has done. I guess I just have to go in and look around, see if they done it right.


Dec 13, 2000
The main difference between jumping your CR vs the WR, is to keep the gas on all the way through the face of the jump, dont cut the throttle and blip-it.
If you blip the throttle on the WR/YZF bikes it may cut out (always roll the throttle, coming out of corners as well) if you cut the gas on a 4-stroke on the face of a jump you may end up on your helmet with the padded side of your bike driving you in the ground !!

Always keep the gas on until you have left the jump;)


Jun 21, 2000
The blipping throttle is a hard habit to break, when you have done it for years. What is the Oil capacity of the wR250, I will not have a manual for about 2 weeks, dealer from out of state has to mail it to me. Anyone find a good place to order Oil filters Cheap for this bike ?


Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
Throttle stop...

If your dealer hasnt given the screw back to you, they probably just removed it. That would be the easiest thing for them to do. They really need to trim it down, and re-insert it. This would take them extra time, so they probably just took it out. It looks like this:

Good luck finding a YZ Tank/seat. TYou should post in thumpertalk, and see if someone can work out a deal. Also try denniskirk.com for oil filters.

And cut that dang grey wire!


Jul 10, 2001
IMS Tank/Seat

So, I had heard that the 3.1 gallon IMS tank made things difficult (choke/hotstart), but I just put mine on last night, and other than moving the petcock to the right side of the bike, everything is GREAT! They supplied a petcock, which solves the old problem of having the stock one facing the engine (like on my 400F), and perhaps they shortened the left side, but i can clearly see the choke (I do have the handlebar hotstart). Anyway, bottom line, the tank is exactly what I wanted. I tried putting my old YZ400F tank on, and just couldn't see running the puny 2.1 gallon size on there. Very happy with the IMS tank + the Ceet gripper seat.

btw, anyone need a stock YZ400F tank? it's a perfect match on the WR250F for someone that doesn't need more than 2.1 gallons of fuel at a time...
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