Racers Edge

Jan 22, 2001
Hi I have a 1993 XR250L and heres my story:

I wanted to go riding the other day and it started up fine like 3rd kick. I had it mildly warmed up and as I was about to take off I noticed the tool pouch was open and it stalled when i went to zip it up. Then I tried to start it again and it seemed to kick over really easy but wouldn't start. I figured I had flooded it so took it down the hill on my driveway. It turned over fine except made this weird clicking sound and wouldn't start, it was a strange repetitive "click" as the cylinder went through its rotation that sounded like the compression release was actuating. I pushed it back up the hill and just took my CR instead because I wanted to go riding. I took a look at it today thinking it was the kickstart compression release and sure enough it was loose. I tightened it up and it still kicked over really easy with the weird clicking sound that sounded like the compression release but wouldn't start. Then I pushed it down to right after the click really slowly and brang it up and it won't kick over anymore! I can still stick it in gear and turn it over but the kickstarter seems to be stuck? I'm going take it to the dealership I work at part-time but does anyone have any ideas before I decide to tear the clutch cover off?

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Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Ouch... the damage is done!

The automatic compression release slightly opens and closes one of the exhaust valves. This is only an educated guess, but it sounds like you have a bent exhaust valve that is no longer closing. The piston is hitting this valve, hence the clicking sound when the engine turns over. When you adjusted the slack out of the cable you might have over tightened the release actuator mechanism and the kickstarter is now jammed. At the very least you're going to have to remove the cylinder head and side cover to determine what is actually wrong.


Feb 24, 2001
i had a similar problem with my old dr, and i'm not saying that is your problem, but just here to give you an idea. i had just fininshed rebuilding my motor, this was like the second ride. I just can off a trail and decided to shut her off to talk with friends, then went to kick her over and she was locked up, but before it locked up it made a wierd clicking sound like the one you described, i come to find out that a cam retaining clip had broken, and floated through the bottom end and lodged itself between the stater and flywheel.
But in your case, forget about the decompression release and check the valves!!!!!

Racers Edge

Jan 22, 2001
Well thanks for the ideas but I figured it out. It ended up that it jumped time about 90 degrees! I'm not sure how it did that but the cam chain was really loose when I tore the head cover off and the timing was way off. I think the timing adjuster got stuck somehoh, I'll put it back together tomorow and update yah.

Racers Edge

Jan 22, 2001
Well put it back together today and did a leak down to make sure nothing was damaged. Well it failed the leak down test, miserably. I'm pretty sure I must have bent the intake valves because the air comes gushing out of the airbox. Luckily I have a spare set of valves since I just bought and rebuilt the whole top end of this bike 150 miles ago! AAArrrghhhhhhhh!!!! :( We still can't figure out how it would jump time like this though, any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Racers Edge

Jan 22, 2001
I fixed it up and it runs, just has a ticking noise in the top end somewhere, I'll have to figure that out now, probably re-adjust the valves and decompression again. I think it may be because there's not enough slack in the decompression lever.
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