
Jul 25, 2005
A buddy has a 95 RM 125 for sale. Anybody have much experience with these. Search didnt turn up many posts. Good bike? Would it be competitive with modern bikes? Thanks


Dec 13, 2005
rm 125

I had one years ago. It was an excellent holeshot machine. The only thing is the tranny blew. It also like to suck water into the oil. The clutch was always engaged even if it was pulled in. Alot of people I rode with ended up buying one. Good bike as long as it hasnt been rode hard.


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
I had a buddy who had one. It didn't seem to have a lot of guts. But that may have just been that particular one. When it comes to buying a 10 year old bike, just make darned sure that you check it all out. If you are not mechanically inclined, then take a buddy who is and give it a good twice over. I doubt there is much anyone here could tell you about that model and year that would really apply too closely since it is an older bike. It is going to be more about, how well was it taken care of.
Sep 2, 2005
I bought a 95 RM125 back in 98 and it was completly stock and in super nice shape. I rode the bike for one day and i hated it so much i never rode it again and i got back to riding my beat but much better 94 CR125.
Anyways about the bike.. The motor is dull at best. The seat is way to low where you sit and too tall in the rear. The forks are pretty good the rear is ok. My brother took that 95 RM and modified the motor as far as he could and it was much better but still dull. I latter had a 96 RM125 and it was much better all around.


Aug 17, 2005
Tyler3386 said:
Ok so one guy says excellent holeshot machine and the other says dull engine at best. Anybody else tried this bike?

Tyler, unfortunately it is all subjective. I just got done reading a comparo in Dirt Rider on the 06 250s, the contridiction in some of the opinions of the writers/riders are pretty funny. One guy says X bike has a ton of bottom end, and the next guy says that X bike lacks bottom end. This was NOT the only example, there were probably 4 or so that were just like that. And these guys do this for a living, everyday, same bikes, same track, same conditions. It is almost embarrassing to read they contridict themselves so much.


Mar 15, 2005
I have a 94'. Im pretty sure there pretty much the same bike. I find it has sufficent bottom, mid isnt arm ripping, but you know its there, then top is good, but drops off fast if you cant keep it in the pretty narrow power band. Suspention is pretty good, for a ten year old bike anyway. Seat is slightly low, but is tolerable. Im 6' 1" tall and if the seat was about 2 or 3 inches taller at the big dip around by the tank, it would have pretty good ergos.

I think that bike won 125 of the year in 95'. Good luck.
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