
Jun 26, 2001
My '02 CR250 seems to have a problem. On most jumps, weather it be hardpack, softpack or sand (off road, no track) after take-off the rear end tends to kick one way or the other. At first I thought it was my rear tire alignment. Then I thought it was the way I was riding it, maybe wieghting one side more that the other or something. Anyway, I'm *fairly* convinced that it has to do with the suspension. Maybe not totally 100%, but I think it has a part in it. Not sure what the settings are, I'll check tonight. Any ideas?

Also, what springs/ect. would you suggest for 175-180lbs w/gear riding offroad, dunes, and plans to race next year? Also, what suspension fluids work the best/worst and why/why not? I've looked in past posts, but didn't find a whole lot.

Also, Jeremy made reference to a post where he evaluated changes he made to his '02 CR250, but I can't find it.

I know this is broad, but I'm still a little new, so pactience please :)!
If you can help I would greatly appreciate it.


Jan 9, 2000
LOL i didnt remember you !! Sorry i was going to answer this and got distracted-i would look at decreasing rebound.
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Nov 7, 2001
Hi there! Try setting sag at 95mm, H.S 1-7/12 ("yes it sounds fussy") this is alot harder than stock but with the standard spring it works on all terrain. L.S 12 Rebound 7-8
Think the trouble you are having with the standard setup is fast rebound and not enough compression (even though it doesn,t feel like it from standard) give it try


Jun 26, 2001
Sorry, I've been working a lot during the Christmas season and don't always get back right away.

As for the shock, I won't be able to give it a try for a couple months. The snow here is getting deeper, and the bike's motor came out a couple days ago so it can be sent to Eric Gorr. This problem was apparent all summer, and like I said, I thought it was just me. Being the novice rider that I am I never really thought to try and adjust the suspension to help the problem.

I'm trying to gather notes on what to change when I start riding again, so it might be a while before I actually get to test it. I really appreciate the help though, and will remeber this when I get the bike out next year. Thank you very much.



Jun 26, 2001
Still new to this, and I forgot to ask:

Originally posted by andrewgaddes
...H.S 1-7/12

1. Turn it all the way to the right (clockwise), and then this is the # of turns to the left (counter-cw), correct?

2. All other clicker adjustments are made in the same way, turned all the way right, and then back to the left the # of click specified, right?

Thanks for your patience in aswering all my newbie questions, it's nice to be able to learn from people that know what they're talking about. All the guys I ride with think they know it all, but I find out here how wrong they are, example: "Yea, after my V-force, pipe and silencer is on I don't think I'll have to rejet, my bike will be fine..."

Thank you again,


Dec 2, 2002
slow your rebound down, turn RB adjuster all the way in clockwise then out to your prefered setting try 1-2 click adjustments and ride continue to make your adjustments until you find the front/rear balance and ride feel that you like. Sag 95-102 mm I like 100mm on the Honda's your spring rates should be in the ball park for your weight. And yes all other adjustments are clockwise.


Jun 26, 2001
Please humor my scrutiny, I'd really like to get this right...

Originally posted by gbs1
...slow your rebound down, turn RB adjuster all the way in clockwise then out to your prefered setting...

Okay, but:

Originally posted by gbs1
...And yes all other adjustments are clockwise.

So compresion is turned all the way left (counter-cw) and then to the right to the preferred setting?

Does this apply to both the forks and the shock (LS & HS)?

I appreciate your clarification, thank you.

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