
Dec 29, 1999

Know when the rules or the list of qualified minis (50s) will be available on the AMA Web site for 2002? I only could find the 2001 info.

Also, any chance the AMA will have a mini four-stroke class? I'm NOT talking mini YZFs here, but for play bikes, like XR70s, TTR90s, KLX110s, etc. (At least one track wouldn't run the class part of 2001 because it wasn't an AMA class and they said there were some insurance ramifications.)

I'm asking because I'm trying to see if I can be cheap and get away with buying my kid one bike for racing and trail riding...I'd like to go with an XR or TTR because woods riding seems to be his true love, but still being able to race is a necessity; unfortunately, harescrambles are rarely done for the kids or when they are, they're not done right.



2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
not this year

they haven't change anything but have a whole set of changes slated for 2003. this includes thumper handicapping in the little classes. (which i disaggree with) As far as the insurance goes thats another new set of guidelines this coming year with the new carrrier.
I am not sure how that place you eluded to ran a small bike/rider class, but i would like input on how to run a small bike/rider harescramble class since i have scheduled 4 for 03 i need lots of input!


Dec 29, 1999
OK. Got the boy a 2001 Polini X3 Works. Now, I understand that it comes with a 21 mm carb, but that's not legal for the 50 Sr. class, right? Is there a reducer I need or does it come on the model?

He's getting it on his birthday (12/27). Is Fox Valley open the following weekend, Wardy? This is going to be a big transition, and he needs to start practicing ASAP.



2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
21 mm is a no no

that was in our committee three years ago. Anyway they are suppose to make them with the correct carb. To double check this go to the ama web site and look at the rule book .

yes fox valley is open, weekends through the winter, course if its -20 and 40 mph wind with no one there by noon, LOL i won't be either!

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