
Jan 10, 2004
Ok, i've been a small bike rider all my life, 125 2 smokers only until this year I bought my first four banger.
CRF250 which has been awesome and i've loved every minute. I'm definately sold on the whole four banger thing.

But now i'm considering moving up to the bigger bikes.
Don't get me wrong the 250F is plenty powerful for me but i'm a bigish guy, 6'3 tall (don't know what that is in cm-about Pastranas height) and I can't help but think i may enjoy that kind of big bike power.

i have never ridden a 250 or a 450 so it would be a brand new experience for me. i'm an improving rider in middle clubman standard and still have a lot to learn (only been racing for a year and a bit) but despite this I still feel I may enjoy the 450's more but i can't back that up with anything.

so basically I just wanted some 450's guys opinions. how these bikes behave, how fun are they to ride, their experiences of them, the good points and bad points compared to the smaller bikes.
I'd say my style was quite european (and i don't mean sh!t ;) ) i like to be smooth and let the bike work for me and I guess you could say my worst habit is being a lazy gear shifter, if I can get away without shifting down for a corner i will always use the clutch to get me through which I know is a very bad habit.
so with that info, any opinions would be hugely appreciated!
Also, if i were to go for a 450 it'd be an 06 CRF450.

Cheers in advance.
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