killerbeez 75

Oct 26, 2004
Hey guys

Got back today from that anticipated soboba trail ride and I will tell ya that if you have never ridden it,than you have never ridden anything as difficult as this.The first three miles was nothing but 1-2 1/2 foot deep water up the river,pretty much third to fourth gear pinned,otherwise your stuck in the water to the point that your air filter takes in as much water as it can take.The next 26 miles of the first loop is just single track going through switch backs that your bars can barely fit through in some spots.Other spots were a couple of wide open washes and some pretty steep inclines and some really steep declines.
I think the most tricky part of the course would be after you climbed up a tall hill,there would be an immediate right or left after you crested the top.No room for error as was at least a 50 ft.drop if you made a mistake.They told us in the morning that if your bike breaks down, there is no way to get it out and you might as well call it a loss and start hiking back to your car.After I got several miles in to the trail I realized they were right and there was no way to tow a bike out of there,there is way to many switch backs and steep hill climbs to accomplish this task.A few bikes were left today.
There seemed to be about 600 riders so you can imagine what the trail looked like if you were the last one.Anyway I would strongly reccomend this ride to anyone who thought they have masterd every thing.If you think that you cant male a section of the course,than you have no option but to try it and hope you make it,like I said before,there is vey little margine for error.
This was my first time ridding this event and I think that next year I will do it again,next time I will water proof the bike so that water does not get into the air filter.If you guys or girls get the opportunity to ride this event next year,give it a try,it is deffinantly one of those rides you and your buddys will be talking about for decades.Anyway I will talk to ya guys soon.See ya.........killerbeez 75 :aj: :cool:


Feb 2, 2005
I also did the ride and had a blast. It probally would have been a little easier in the twisty wash sections on a smaller bike as I rode an XR600. But it was definitly a good day out. The dirt was good and I was glad to be up in the third starting group. What did you think of the second loop?


Feb 2, 2005
Boodac said:
Sounds like a ride from hell actually. So how do you think you did?

It was not that bad, there was a wide range of riders. The course was 98% single track and speed was limited due to the amount of people. I had fun, the terrain is similar to what I ride normally and traction was great with good tires. It is just the fact that you have to realize that if you stall or crash, you may cause a bottleneck. I did get wide on one of the off-camber hill tops and found myself bushwacking. This was probally the only time I was glad to be riding a big bore bike. The technical sections of loop two were a lot harder than those of loop one. The guys riding the trials bikes were making it all look to easy. Other than that I survived and look forward to next year.


Jan 27, 2000
Boodac said:
Sounds like a ride from hell actually. So how do you think you did?

It's just a trail ride Rich. The idea is just to finish.

Way to go guys. :cool: :yeehaw: :yeehaw:

killerbeez 75

Oct 26, 2004
This was my first time doing this so I did not know what to expect.It was also my second time riding the bike that I had so it was a little more difficult for me.I rode the 520sx,comming off a 02cr250,ALOT different bike.Anyway I ride alot off track and am getting into desert riding.After the first loop I realized that I was too fat and out of shape for the second loop.What made the first loop a little difficult for me was that it was a straight 29 mi.I took three 5 min breaks and kept going.I had a blast and am looking forward to next year.I will be alot more comfortable on the bike I am riding and hopefully in better shape.Cheers to you guys that did the second lap,you are a better rider than I. :ride: :)
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