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Aug 10, 2000
Basicaly, weight does affect top speed.

You can post all your formulas from high school physics, etc... but after talking with some people I've come to a solid conclusion.

Weight may not affect the top speed on paper, but it influences 100s of other small details that nobody seems to be considering.

A heavier rider not only changes aerodynamics of the rider, but it also changes things like squish in suspension, tires, etc... which in the end all affect top speed. The increased drag on the bike, etc... can make a huge difference. Not only that but other factors also have to be put in to play such as tail.head winds, etc...

As a jockey I can give you this analogy. Even though horses arn't the same as motorcycles, the princicples are the same. 2 identicle horses running up the lane, one carrying 110 lbs the other carrying 115 lbs, the lighter one will always win. Even though 5lbs is nothing compared to a 1300lb animal, it simply can't do the extra work to get up to it's top speed with that extra weight.


Jul 6, 2004
the wind was pushing so hard that I laid as low as I could on the bike because it felt like the wind was trying to lift me off of the bike after about 65 or so I held it for a long time and I thought I was going to blow up the engine, lol time for a big bore kit


Aug 10, 2000
Also further proof that weigh affects top speed is found in Nascar/Airplanes.

Nascars travel at a higherspeed when they have less fuel. The same goes for airplanes. It's simply to do with power. The more weight, the more power required to redline. Since bikes don't have unlimited power, the heavier the rider, the less below redline they will achieve.


Oct 14, 1999
re: 'Because accelleration is slower doesn't mean it stops sooner.'

That's funny!

There is a name for phrases like that....I'm not remembering what it is.

Does that mean the Winnebago towing a jeep I saw last weekend with all wheels locked up and tires smokin' getting ready to run over a bike sitting in front of it at a stop sign was probably not a marvel of accelleration? ;)


Aug 24, 2004
Jason02R said:
Don’t think I’ll do it again because I get more of a rush finding the most aggressive rutted, rocky narrow hell trails than top speed, but now I know how fast I can go if pushed.

This is your only reference to trail riding... it doesn't imply in any way to me that trails are what you ride mostly, just that you get more of a rush on them.

Jason02R said:
The reason I got it is just so I wouldn't go through a speed trap not having any Idea how fast I was going.

THIS clearly implies that you ride it on the road enough to warrant a speedo in your mind (presumedly you'd want that to be accurate then?... maybe not... lol)

To which I reply that you can't really count on a speedo that seems to be so far off... for a speed trap, or to post your achieved speeds on a forum, and then proceed to, politely mind you, say...

RoostRider said:
Take care, and check that speedo for us so we aren't all wondering what the heck we are doing wrong with our bikes..

Incidentally, perhaps I should have put a smiley at the end of that (because I KNOW we aren't all doing something wrong with our bikes, it was a joke. Our bikes won't do 80 with a 12 CS and neither will yours). It was in no way an attack on you, or your speedo. Just good sound advice saying that if EVERYONE says your speedo is probably off, it probably IS.

Here is where your arrogance kicks in----

Jason02R said:
Blah blah blah, if you read my post I said that I trail ride with this bike it's hardly ever on the street,...

Coming back with "blah blah blah" when someone is trying to be helpful is rude, arrogant and disrespectful, no matter what you claim now. I can gather from that alone that your maturity is in question regardless of how old you are.

I did read your posts, several times now, wondering if I missed something... I didn't.. You didn't say that (see above), until this post

Jason02R said:
... I don't really care if the bike didn't go 80 that is just what the speedo said. I have a 12T because it works best for me on the trails

All well and good, (keep the 12 for trails, it works great) except it seems kinda pointless to put a speedo on your bike and then not care if it is even close to accurate. But, to each his own. On the other hand, it is a bit irresponsible to claim your bike will do something, and then, when the legitimacy is questioned, go into a tirade about how you don't care if your information is legitimate.

My suggestion about the 13 or 14 CS is good sound advice for someone who is riding streets with a KDX, (riding knobbies is NOT) and it came BEFORE you made it so rudely clear that you don't ride streets, but somehow encounter speed traps anyways.

Jason02R said:
I am not being an ignorant jerk,....

I said arrogant, not ignorant... Ignorance is curable, arrogance doesn't seem to be. Regardless, it sure seems that way from here. (note the "blah blah blah comments, followed by .... "I don't really care" (what you say)

Jason02R said:
I just don't want to be preached to about what can happen at those speeds, besides it seemed like you didn't even read the post because your asking me why I run a 12T and in my post I said I mostly trail ride.

Again, I read the posts. Perhaps you should have been more clear, or perhaps I should have assumed that they have speed traps on the trails where you ride. :)

I don't think I preached at you. I just, again politely, pointed out that it CAN be dangerous. I didn't even imply that you were doing it dangerously. You take offense far to easily I think.

Jason02R said:
I am telling you how fast my speedo read, and I am not lieing about that, I do not know for sure how accruate it reads though.

I never meant to imply that you were in any way lying about what your speedo read (I don't think anyone else did either), just that I doubt it's accuracy. That should be evident, but if not, perhaps that is my mistake, if so, I apologize.

Anyways, you said your piece, I said mine, there are plenty other people on here to help you if you have any questions. (if you treat them like you did me I think your options will grow thin quickly).... lol.. I know, "you don't need help from people like me"... cause I've been such a jerk to you... lol

Good luck with your speedo in those speed traps... :rotfl:
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