Dennis Meyers

Nov 24, 2000
Just got back from my Orthos office. MRI results are; Medial Meniscus tear and complete ACL tear in my right knee. He says he will probably have to remove the damaged cartilege because there isn't enough blood flow at the area where it's damaged. As for the ACL, he is going to use donor tendons from my hamstring to replace my ACL. I did this back in August of 2000, so it's about time I took care of it, I'm just not real thrilled about the surgery. I would have put it off even longer but I dislocated the knee (again) about a month ago at work while I was sliding an axle across the floor with my foot. I figured that I better get it fixed before I screw it up even worse. I'll call tommorow after work to schedule surgery, it's looking like sometime in March, hopefully the beginning of the month. I'm wondering how long it will be before I'm feeling comfortable enough with it to not worry about it while I'm riding? Any voices of experience out there? I'm mostly concerned about regaining confidence.


Jan 7, 2002

I had ACL reconstruction about 7 years ago. It took me close to a year before I was confortable on my bike again. The only advice I can give you is to start working out your legs now before surgery. Get them as strong as you can in the next month. After surgery, you most likely go to physical therapy with a trainer for awhile. This is the key to getting the knee back. At times, you will want to quit, but you have to push yourself to get your legs strong again.
Once my knee was healed, I was a little timid at first to go all out on it. But the more active you are, the more confidence you gain. Once your confidence is back, you should be your old self again.
I now have no problems, I am able to dirt bike, snow ski, snowboard, you name it..


May 27, 2000
Just had my 2nd ACL reconstruction and recovering nicely. Mine used
tendon grafts from my patella tendon (knee cap tendon) and was done
perfectly by some top professional sports doctors out of Methodist Sports
Medicine out of Indy. Seeing the racecar drivers, pro football,basketball players etc. have their knees operated on by these doctors reassured me
they were doing a great job.

Jeff Boulder is correct with getting your legs in shape prior to surgery. Very
important to get you up and about after surgery. Most importantly though
is not to baby it! Put your weight on it, strength train when you're allowed,
run/bike and do what the doctors ask of you to a T. I rode 2 months after
my 1st ACL surgery and am planning to do so again!

Dennis Meyers

Nov 24, 2000
Thanks guys, as for getting my legs strong, I've been working on that since the injury. The legs are strong enough that when my doctor first examined me, he thought my right ACL was OK, he said it was only slightly looser than my left knee. It was because of the way I injured it and the loud "POP" I described to him that he decided to send me for an MRI, which confirmed my worst fears, it's gone. The Doctor I'm seeing has a good reputation in the area, and they specialize in sports medicine. They do the athletes from Colgate University, so I think I'm in pretty good hands. I understand that the P.T. can get pretty brutal though, good thing I like challenges. Well, thanks again for the replies.


May 8, 2000
I had mine replaced almost 10 years ago. I opted for the donor ligament because that is what I was told was the strongest. I was also told to have a minumum 60% hamstring to quad strength so that the quad doesn't over power it and cause hyper extention. I made sure mine was higher.

I was back racing bicycles in 4 months but it wasn't easy. My stand up riding style, feet always on the pegs, is a direct result of fear of planting my foot. I neglected having surgery and mine kept dislocating when I put my foot down. After the surgery it never happened again.


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
I've had both knees done..right and left ACL. My left is 5 months post surgery. I have to admit that I stopped going to rehab 2 months ago. And the earlier posts are CORRECT, definately work out the legs now B4 surgery, it will help with recovery...... I used Cadeavor ligaments, so my recovery is almost twice as fast, plus they dont cut into any other areas on you. I wear knee braces and I think this season my left acl will be in the back of my mind unfortuanately, but its going good. I think it almost takes 2 full years at least to feel 100%. my right knee finally felt like nothing ever happened about 2 years ago.. BUT, you still feel it on rainy days, getting up from a crouched position and so forth. AND my left knee (5 months post) still feels somewhat uncomfortable when I am on my knees sitting back on my butt (if you know what I mean) the flexibility is there, but you still feel that strange feeling/pain...You should go with the surgery now, I see you live in NY, I am in MD and had my done 8-30-01, figuring that cold season coming in and riding missed would be a minimum... Good Luck, and stick with the Rehab, that is very important, or the knee will not be as strong again!

Dennis Meyers

Nov 24, 2000
Just got of the phone with the docs office, looks like March 12th will be the day. Thanks again for the replies guys, I was wondering how long It was before you got the OK to start riding again? My ortho says 3-4 months before resuming "normal" physical activity and 8-12 months before resuming "athletic" activity w/o the brace. I don't actually plan on ever riding w/o braces again though!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Playing college soccer and league armature into my early thirties has left my knees in terrible shape. My tibia X-rays look like an old logging saw from being kicked in the shin too many times. Some times, I will rotate my stance on my left leg and the pain is so great I hit the floor. I know that not doing anything about it isn’t helping my legs, but I just can’t see shutting down my life style for six months up to a year to recuperate from a surgery. I am actually thinking of being fitted for braces so I can continue being active. My left knee seems to give me the most problem, even though it is strong, I lack the confidence to run fast for fear of even slightly hyper extending it. Not being able to ride my bikes? … I would rather limp.:ugg:


May 8, 2000
I had a $500 CTI brace that wouldn't hold mine tight enough to give me confidence. My cousine had the same problem and I told her that I was tired of being laid up for a week because nothing helped. I had the surgery and I too was afraid of losing quality ride time but in the end it was the best decision I ever made. the winter I spent off my bike was replaced by other things like working out in the gym and hiking.

The second time I injured my knee when I tore the cartlidge, I went straight to the doc and said cut it out. He did and in 2 days was back to racing my bicycle. I figure that I will never suffer again because I am too greedy with my time. The pain was not worth it.

my 2¢


Nov 4, 2000
Originally posted by Dennis Meyers
I was wondering how long It was before you got the OK to start riding again?

I have heard 6 mos. is the norm. It takes 6 months for the new acl to strengthen and not have the consistancy of corn meal mush. I think if you ride before that it could be a gamble because the new acl is not strong enough to do it's job? Anyhow - I am one of the few who has NO acl on one knee , and still have a tight enough knee where it does not pop out. ( yet ! ) I do wear a brace on that knee tho, ( an EVS for now ). Good advice here and good luck on the surgury!;)


Jan 29, 2001
Did anyone see the australian freestyle jumpier - skier that is?? They said she tore a curcaite lig when landing, i saw the crash and knew the pain she was in. Any hows, i wasn wondering if anyone knew how common it was for the PCL to be affected after a ACL reconstruction. I hurt my knee that had the ACL recon. dont to it last week while mucking around on a skateboard and went to my GP and he said there was WAY to much lax there and that i might have dmamaged the PCL, but i got wait till APril to see the spec. about my knee.

Dennis Meyers

Nov 24, 2000
Tomorrow (3/12/02) is the big day. I have to be at the hospital at 6am, without my morning coffee.:mad: Good news is I just got moved up to Plant Supervisor, so I can return to work earlier and stay behind my desk. Bad news is: 1) I hate being behind a desk, and 2) My new office is at the top of a flight of stairs above the shop.:eek: Oh well, it could be worse. I just want to get better and get riding again! I'll let ya'll know how it went.


Oct 31, 2000
Good luck tomorrow. I know what you're going thru. Do a search on my user name, Thump or ACL and you'll have plenty of reading material for your recovery.


Dennis Meyers

Nov 24, 2000
Thanks Brian. Well it's 1:30 in the afternoon and I have been home for about half an hour. Got me right in and right out. Surgery went very well, They removed part of the Medial Meniscus and used a Hamstring graft to reconstruct the ACL. I haven't taken any pain meds yet, but I am wearing a cryocuff along with the post-op brace, it seems to be keeping everything cool. I have been walking w/o crutches (very carefully) but I'm sure it won't be so easy tomorrow.:eek: I start Physical Therapy on Monday (3/18), three times a week, so that should be interesting.:think Now I guess it's time to get serious about the PT and get this knee strong again, I can't wait to ride again!


Oct 31, 2000
Damn, Dennis - you're a tough SOB. I was in the hospital for ~24 hours - had a patellar graft. If I ever have to do it again it sure sounds like the hamstring graft is the way to go.

Sounds like you'll be back on the bike in no time at this rate.


Dennis Meyers

Nov 24, 2000
Day two, now I am experiencing some bad pain, mostly after I've been sitting too long. I am now using one crutch, but trying to spend as much time bearing weight on the knee as I can. The worst pain right now is actually from where the tourniquet (sp) was on my quad, ouch.:scream: The cryocuff really helps, what a great idea that was!:) hopefully the doc will prescribe a pair of CTI2s for me, too bad I wasn't smart enough to have been using knee braces before this happened.:mad: All in all it seems to be going OK, I don't know if i'll make it to work for half a day tomorrow though, the reality of the pain is beginning to set in. Oh well, I didn't feel like reviewing the new employee handbook anyways. Maybe I just review some back issues of Trail Rider.:cool:

yo its matt!

Aug 26, 2000
i had my right acl replace 1 year ago, petella tendon graph, from the same leg, and the doc found extensive cartilage damage, rode the first time 3 months after, it was too soon! still having some problems with the knee and will probably have to have it scoped , some things to consider: pettella tendon are the most popular also some docs use one out of the good leg so you can recover quicker! also donor tissue helps you heal twice as fast! looking back i wish i had waited a while and done some more research, maybe talk to another doctor:D came up short on a 60 ft triple last week knee was fine but my neck still hurts never saw that front fender comming:aj:


Oct 31, 2000
Take it easy and do go back to work too soon - I took 3 weeks off but was ready to go back after 2 weeks. It took about a week before I ready to toss the crutches in closet. After the first night at home I was down to Advil for the pain - Vicodin messes me up way too much. Sounds like you're doing fine - keep it up.



Jan 17, 2001
Hey Dennis, What's a cryocuff?


Nov 4, 2000
Good luck with the recovery!

It will only get better. But it gets better slow - so be patient. Compare by the week, not the day. I am one of the few that gets by without an ACL in one leg. I will probably need a re-construction in the next couple years if my knee loosens up more but so far so good. I do lots of bicycling to keep those quads strong ( and it is also low impact ). The therapy is painful and the PT's are torture experts, but just disconnect yourself from your pain. Hey - pain means you are still alive! ;)


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by MikeT
Hey Dennis, What's a cryocuff?

It's a hi-tech ice pack. It wraps around you're kind of like a blood pressure cuff but it has hoses that are attached to an ice chest full of ice/water and has a pump to circulate the ice water thru the cuff.



Jan 17, 2001
Pretty, slick. Kinda like a radiator for your injury.

Dennis Meyers

Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by MikeT
Pretty, slick. Kinda like a radiator for your injury.

Yeah, the thing is great, it doesn't let the temp get too cold, no freezer burn on the knee.:eek:
Day three and I feel much better, I cut the pain meds down and am not using the cryocuff. I have almost 90 deg. flexion in the knee and I'm shooting for 120 deg. by the time I start PT on Monday. I'll see the Doc on Wed. and see if I can get a rough estimate on when I can start riding again. If it's not going to be until the fall, then I may sell the 'zuk and spend the summer looking for a KTM E/XC, I'm not sure if I want the 200 or 250 though. Oh well, decisions, decisions:think I may actually go into work for a couple of hours today, I figure if I can sit around the house reading magazines, I can probably sit around the office reviewing the new handbook, plus I'll get paid for that!:cool:
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