I have a 1997 cr 250, and I did some frame polishing on it. I had to first start sanding with about 120 grit paper, leading up to 1000 wet sanding. I polished the swing arm as well as the frame part that is by your legs. I can see the aluminum "particles" in a lot of spots. Will these "particles" get anywhere where harm can be done? The polishing turned out great, but I am just a little curious about how those "particles" will affect my new ride. When I polished the swingarm, the particles got on the chain, and stuck. Do I need to scrub down the whole chain, or are these particles just like the aluminum that wears off of the sprocket? Will the particles get anywhere they shouldn't? Thanks, I do plan to wash the bike, and just hoping that they didn't already get where they shouldn't have.