First off I am a newb here, this is my first dirt bike. It was bought as is for 650.00. It runs like a champ but has a nice little tick that changes with the RPM. I am assuming that it is the KIPS rattle but it needs a top end job anyway so we'll see about that one. My question is about the ends on the swingarm, they look awful bare. Is there anything that is missing that you guys can tell me? Also I would like to know if these are the factory forks, I read that these bikes didn't come with inverted forks but here they are. It is a 93 KDX200 by the way.
Well nevermind, my photosize is too large and I don't know how too resize as I don't have any editing software. Does anyone know how I can get some pics up here? Any help would be highly appreciated.
Well nevermind, my photosize is too large and I don't know how too resize as I don't have any editing software. Does anyone know how I can get some pics up here? Any help would be highly appreciated.