Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
AJ - Wardy - The question came up about Production Waiver by the AMA for the new four strokes. Will Cannondale be able to run EFI and will Honda be able to build a works bike ala Yamaha YZM for the National series?
Inquiring minds and all that

It was too bad we didn't get to see Honda roll out a killer HRC special at Glen Helen...maybe by Red Bud ???


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
your guess is as good as mine on that but if that is what yamaha did then i would imagine that Honda or any of those will be able to follow suit.
then again who noes, LOL


AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
The Pro dept and the Amateur dept of the AMA are totally seperate.
The AMA rulebook for amateurs is made of rules and guidelines voted on by
the "AMA Congress" every year.
The Congressman are elected in each District across the nation.
There are a possible 5 Congressmen per AMA District between off road and road.
They only vote on rules presented by fellow Congressmen and they are only rules/issues governing Amateur events and rulebook.

The Pro book is basically set up by a group of "powers that be" at
the AMA.
That "group" is totaly separate from the amateur section.
So as Congressmen myself and Wardy have little influence or contact with that "side" of the AMA.

I will say( although I probably shouldn't lol)
that it seems to me that Yamaha has had a bit more influence with this "group" than any other manufactuer EXCEPT Harley-Davidson.
These two companies seem to get rules voted in that essentialy "make"
a class for the bike they manufactuer.
I as well as others have seen this occur for the last 15 years or better.
Whats up with that?
To answer your question it is EXTREEMLY doubtful that Honda would be given a "production rule" grace period,similar to Yamahas in 98, at this time.

They have been shot down in the past several times for similar things ,and I doubt they would even ask.

Dirt Track is a CLASSIC example:
After years of other brands dominating DT ...
Honda decided to get involved in that form of racing and won a few titles.
It did not take long for the rules to change to such an extent that it  limited thier ability to even go racing in that discipline.
( A weight rule that the bike had to weigh ALOT lol)
"HRC " basically said forget it! and pulled totally out of DT.
Strange, but not unexpected.
It REALLY killed that sport over the years as it is a one brand affair at the top level.

Ask anyone.

I see that creeping into the AMA's exclusions for certain manufactuers in its Pro MX /SX dept as well.
It reminds me of all the NASCAR politics and rules trying to keep the "biggest money" guys from winning all the time?

Is this good or bad?
Dunno, but do not expect to see Honda ever given a "production  rule" "break", unless the whole rule is dropped for eveyone.
<p align=right>05-23-2000 :Edited


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Geeeeeeez prez. boy, you must get headaches just from knowing that much. no less typing it.


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Good point he prolly does....LOL


KX 250&nbsp;&nbsp;Dity deeds done Dirt cheap

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999

Don't let that get out!
I do edit /write the rulebook.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
no kidding, edit and make it up as you go along, boy no wonder i have ten questions a race day at the back of my truck. better get me a bunch of cards with a dispenser that states "take a freakin number" LOL!

yea guys that is why he is prez, he will articulate all the behind the scenes type stuff like i try to imulate a good friend on mine and leave it at two or three sentences.

key word in last sentence is "try"


"don't wake me.......I am working."

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Remember a couple of years ago when Yamaha first started racing the YZ400 (before it was for sale), Mike Healey showed up at a national with a production XR400.&nbsp;&nbsp;He was not allowed to race.&nbsp;&nbsp;I read that it was because Honda had not applied for & received the special waver, and Honda was not prepared to go through the trouble for a privateer.&nbsp;&nbsp;So Healey got to spectate with his production bike while Henry got to moto with his unobtainable works bike.&nbsp;&nbsp;Good thing the AMA has that production rule!

Not trying to bag on the AMA, but I thought it was pretty funny at the time.&nbsp;&nbsp;Would it be any different today if somebody showed up with a DR-Z?&nbsp;&nbsp;Would they only get to race if Suzuki was prepared to back them?

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
That "situation" is exactly what I was talking about Dave.

"Sore " subject with me..sorry I went off on a Rant!

I will stick to 3 sentences from now on! lol

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