
Jul 3, 2001
Just wondering if any of you guys or gals play drums and/or percussion? Dirtbikes and drums are (to me) the 2 greatest things ever invented! My favorite drummers are Dom Famularo and Mike Portnoy.
So does anyone else play? Theres got to be some other drummers in 9000+ members.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I own a drum kit

Don't know if you would call what I can do "playing" or not.;) My main forte is the guitar but I know many dirtbiker riders that have musical abilities. It must be something to do with the coallation between the two in regards to timing and cordination, ya think?

On a more serious note, the hardest thing I've had to face in the last 8 years of playing music semi professionally (with this band) has been keeping a drummer. There are lots of drummers out there but very few good drummers, especially with a good attitude.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
in the late 70's and early 80's, i played drums in a band with a few of my friends. we actually got pretty good but we got to where we couldn't get along with each other. i always say it was like having three wives. after a few years, we went our seperate ways. i never played in a band again. i got into dirt bikes instead. i kept my drums just in case i decided to play again. about a year ago, they were stolen out of storage.
my favorite drummers are/were michael giles from king crimson and buddy rich (the only person that i've ever gotten an autograph from).


Jul 3, 2001
Me and my friends are starting a band too but Im worried that if we get good and stuff, that I wont have anytime to do what I really like the most; dirtbike!
But we'll see how it goes:) I really like playing drums, but I think that dirtbiking is my top priority right now. I have been taking lessons for 5 years now, so Im pretty commited but I want to get into racing AND keep playing. Im worried I'll have to give up somthing:(

buddy rich (the only person that i've ever gotten an autograph from

Autograph!?! That is so cool!!
He's got to be the best drummer of all time!


Nov 4, 2000
No Drums , just guitar.

I started when I was 16, and 22 years later, still play. I play in a cover band currently, and when I balance out my two main interests ( the other is MX, of course) - I find the band $ helps out with the cost of tires, oil, parts, etc.


Oct 9, 2000
I have been playing the drums for 10 years of my 16 year old life. I am pretty good as I rarely practice now, but do agree, it is the best instrument and alot of fun to play.

Honda Rider

Oct 1, 2001
I play drums. I'm the quad player in our marching band, and I was recently in a band. I've been playing for like 6 years. I also play bass guitar for the jazz band.


Dec 29, 2000

I tried to play the drums, got to good for the little kiddie set, and wanted a bigger one, but my parents said I didn't practice enough to get a new one...So I joined the band at my school, and now I play the Tenor sax, I like it.I'm not very good at the drums, I don't have the foot cordianation for it...But drums are cool, and I like to bang on them! Later.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Now that we know there are some drummers out there

What kind of heads do you use?
Like I said earlier, I don't really play drums, I'm a guitar picker. I ended up buying a new set of Pearls back in July for one gig, the drummer we used flew in from Mississippi to do the gig and I couldn't get my hands on a kit so I just bought one. Mostly it stays in the rehearsal room but occassionally I rent it out for acts that need a back-line, you know the type, the ones that are too good (lazy) 5to bring their own.
My kit is a 5 peice jazz kit, 10, 12, 14, 20 kick and 14 snare. I just took the pearl heads off & replaced with evans G2's and an Aquarian snare head. The G2's sound a little fatter than the thin ply cheapo's that pearl put on, I'm curious to hear what the G2's sound like mic'd


Aug 6, 2000
I started playing when I was 5 and I am 32 now.I play all the time.
My uncle is a professional drummer\master teacher who has played
and recorded with Woody Herman,Peggy Lee,Mike Nesmith,Red Garland,
Richard Groove Holmes,etc.He was in the August 2000 issue of Modern
Drummer magazine page 142.He currently has his own big band and plays
with most of the Jazz trios in Los Angeles.As for me I have several set's-
new Ludwig classic maple set,yamaha DTXpress kit for quiet practicing,70's
gretsch set,1964 Ludwig set,1 70's ludwig set,1 new premier genista set.
I recorded a album not too long ago and I am waiting to get the CD back.
The best drummer of all time was Buddy Rich and I had the pleasure of
seeing him twice before he died.I also love John Bonham,Charile Adams,Neil Peart,Rod Morgenstein,Billy Cobham,Stewart Copeland.I don't really like the way most of the new drummers play-way too hard and no touch.
Last edited:


Jul 3, 2001
Re: Now that we know there are some drummers out there

Originally posted by Jeff Gilbert
What kind of heads do you use?

Right now I use Remo pinstripe clear heads on my cheap ass drum set ( all I could afford was a beginners set). My set may not be "top of the line" but my cymbals are :p . I use Sabians. What do you guys use?
IF you have any time, some really good drum forums are remo.com/fusetalk . Its a good group of drummers there. My name, is of course, FattyK on the drum forums.


Jun 20, 2001
i haven't seriously played in a few years, but the last set of heads i bought were also all remo pinstripe, except for the snare. but its been so long, i can't remember what that one is. back when i was really playing, i could barely afford sticks. now that i have some money, no time to play. my friend and i have been talking about starting to play again, we've been quietly looking for a guitar player. one who doesn't want to play 30 minute guitar solos.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by 89vett
The best drummer of all time was Buddy Rich and I had the pleasure of
seeing him twice before he died.

i only got to see him once. when i was a kid, my dad and i always watched him whenever he was on carson. we thought he was so awesome.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Originally posted by 89vett
,Neil Peart,Stewart Copeland.
Two of my favorites. Have you checked out the Copeland/Ridgway works? Rush was the first concert I ever attended--in 1976...:scream:

Listening to Physical Graffiti right now. Too bad Bonham's gone.

We need to hook up and ride. I live in Cahaba Heights, and I've ridden at the Bowl countless times. Shoot me an e-mail if you ever wanna ride.


Aug 6, 2000
Julius Pleaser,
I would love to ride.I am ready any Saturday or Sunday.I live in Helena,
so I obviously go to the bowl most of the time or the Hoover met.I ride
with 2 other friends.We are all over the age of 30 and have regular jobs,
so we don't do anything real crazy.You would be more than welcomed to
join us anytime.We don't do any real jumping,just mainly woods riding.
Please feel free to email [email protected].
2000 CR125r


Oct 5, 2001
bass man

hey fatty k . i play bass. rythem sections got to stick together.
my band is called ratchet. we just recorded a cd titled "race face"
its all 100% motocross and freestyle tunes.
1 d.n.f
2 32:1
3 thumper
4 team redneck racing
5 wrench

all the tunes are sort of punkish with the extreme sound. we grew up listening to metalica etc. if any one wants to hear it send me an email at [email protected].


Jan 6, 2001
Originally posted by 89vett
The best drummer of all time was Buddy Rich and I had the pleasure of
seeing him twice before he died.I also love John Bonham,Charile Adams,Neil Peart,Rod Morgenstein,Billy Cobham,Stewart Copeland.I don't really like the way most of the new drummers play-way too hard and no touch.

Great choices

I saw Buddy after he had his heart problems. Somebody in the crowd asked him how his heart was and he said "my hearts fine (pause) the rest of my body sucks but my hearts fine". It got a good laugh from everbody. He then proceeded to kick some major a$$. The guy had a great band and he was in the middle of it all. What a great show.

Micheal Walden has always been one of my favorites.

What about the guy from the Dave Matthews band? I don't know his name but I always thought he's great.

I can play drums a little bit. 5 or 6 different types of beats with some fills is about all I can do. Calling myself a drummer would be a huge stretch.

I am a guitar player though. There are a others here to like Jeff Allen, and A.J. that also play guitar.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by KXKen

What about the guy from the Dave Matthews band? I don't know his name but I always thought he's great.

His name: Carter Beauford.
His playing abilities: amazing!!:cool:


Jul 31, 2000
Carter Beauford is by far my favorite drummer alive!
Otherwise Buddy Rich.
I'm not much of a drummer, but I used to play a little. I am a guitar player and keyborder, though it has been a while that I have done anything with it.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Time to dig up this thread again

I've been tinkering on the drums during my off time (no pun intended) that the band hasn't been playing. I've started to get some sibilance of foot hand coordination going and I know some of the basic rudiments but how do you drummers out there go about a real practice session by yourself?

So far I just been playing along with CD's and have got a few songs down. Most have been real easy stuff like Blackhawk, McBride & the Ride and other variations of country. I also jammed along with some old Baby's and White Snake but tonight I tried the Cult's "Sonic Temple cd. The hardest thing I've ran into is trying to get the right foot to hammer the quick beats in time without the aid of a double kick pedal.

Does anyone have a recommendation for some good songs to play along with that will help me? I'm not seriously trying to become a drummer, just thought I'd make use during the off time.


Jul 3, 2001
Ahhhhh I thought this thread died.

Well what I do to practice is just do what your doing: playing along to songs. Its called transcripting. But I do take lessons so I have lots of rudiments and stick control exercises to fart around with. Do you have a practise pad? They are great to practise your speed and contorl on and are very quiet. As for the bass pedal, do you play heel up or heel down? I find heel up is way easier for quick beats but for hard, slower tempo songs I play heel down. And for some good songs to play, I cant really reccomend anything in particular, but I can tell you to just listen to the song over and over and when you finnaly play it on the set, it will feel almost natural. You may have to work on some fills but it feels awesome when you nail a whole song through!

In my earlier posts in this thread I talked about starting a band with some buddies and it has finnaly happened! We've been playing for almost 2 months together now and we have one song (which we wrote by our selves) all they way through and another song partially done. Now all we need is somebody willing to sing it. :think

Here is an awesome link for practising. You download the .pdf and it shows the written music and sound so you can hear it being played!


And some good drum forums:


Good luck!

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Some threads never die

I play heal up & down depending on the tempo. I don't have any practice pads but the need to be quiet is not a problem, the band rehearsal room is in my cabana in my back yard. I've got everything out there and been practicing in it for 13 years. The only complaint I've ever had was my neighbors have to sit outside to hear us practice.:cool:

Congradulations on the band! Why don't you sing the song yourself? It just takes practice and self confidence. If Bob Dylan can sell records anybody can.

Thanks for the web site links, I'll give a look and see what I can come up with.


Jan 6, 2001
Man with this resurfacing I sure hope those some of those old guitar threads don't start resurfacing to. I don't need to be reminded of some some of the ridiculous things I say sometimes. LOL

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Funny, bouncing from one thread to another

I would just like to sit down behind the drums during soundcheck sometime and play a decent drum rif. Can I call it a rif? You know us guitar players:confused:


Jul 3, 2001
Yeah, we call 'em rifs too or they are more commonly reffered to as "licks". :cool:

There is a great drumming book called "Rick's Licks."
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