
Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Some of you saw my post in another thread that my boss (VP of engineering) quit last week. Although the exact reasons are hush hush, there was a difference of opinion on how things should be done. I was upsets at the time because he was a real nice guy but after meetings with the CEO I’ve come to realize that this change could be for the best. I started thinking about all the top notch technical people I have met on DRN and thought it would be pretty cool to have one of the top guys that was a dirt biker and figured I throw the hook out and see if anybody bites.

I don’t want to go into a lot of detail but the position manages electrical and mechanical new product development & test at three sites. Home base in beautiful upstate NY, Brantford, Ont, Canada, and Muscatine, Iowa. We design and manufacture narrow aisle electric fork trucks. If you have ever been to a Home Depot you have seen our work. The red trucks that beep when they move around are our trucks. We develop cutting edge technology and utilize the latest tools for development, test and manufacturing. I have been here for 10 years and plan on staying much longer.

The biggest thrust is reducing time to market so someone that has a proven track record in that will have an edge.

Our company enjoys a 40 to 50% market share and is financially stable. Even in the bad market last year we received profit sharing. The plant is in a small town that is a great place for kids and still close enough to malls and such. The best part of the whole thing is you will always know you have someone to ride with :)

If anyone is interested or knows of anyone that might be interested or if you want more information, please email me at [email protected] (if you’re real smart you’ll see our website is in my address if you want to check it out). I’d be more than happy to put you in contact with the right people and put in a good word or at least something that sounds good ;)

I’m only posting this in the STM forum because I respect all of you and trust your judgment.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Sign me up. I love driving forklifts. I'll drive them faster to market than anyone. And I have a few ideers about making them better:

#1) Replace played-out "beep" with air horns that play "La Cucaracha". Mexicans will shop longer at Home Depot if you're playing their song.

#2) Long-travel suspension. The last time I drove forklift was outdoors, and the lack of suspension & solid tires made for a very uncomfortable day in the saddle. How 'bout one of those fancy air-seats that truckers use, too?

#3) Hop up the hydraulic pumps. No one likes waiting 10-15 seconds for the operator to get a pallet down off the top shelf. I need my new toilet NOW! Shoot for increasing the speed by at least 3-5 times. I want to be on the razors edge between safety & orbit-launches.

#4) Name change. Let's face it- the newer generation doesn't recognize names like Clarke. You've gotta spice it up a bit. New graphics are a must, too.

BTW, is there a mandatory psych evaluation or anything? Do I have to interview, or can you grease the weels for me?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Zio and greased weasels :think: sounds pretty normal to me


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Originally posted by zio
... Do I have to interview, or can you grease the weels for me?
Actually the office is empty right now. I'll get you in and you can just set up shop. It worked for Kramer, right ;)


May 23, 2000
-Kramer, I'm going to have to let you go.
-But I don't even work here!
-I know, that's what makes this so difficult.

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