Well, now that you state the REAL purpose for your comparison. Let us give you some somewhat biased opinions.
1. ATV's and dirtbikes come in both 4 stroke and 2 stroke models.
2. ATV's are easy to operate, even when the skill level of the operator is low.
3. ATV's give a false sense of safety, they weigh in excess of 450 lbs.
4. Unfortunately, many operators of ATV's feel compelled to operate them without wearing ANY saftey gear and the use of alcohol is not uncommon.
5. ATV's offer the user a utility platform that is versatile and reliable.
6. Dirtbikes require coordination, balance, and judgement.
7. Dirtbikes are nimble and relative lite weight compared to ATV's, in the 220 lb range.
8. Dirtbike operators tend to wear as much safety equipment that they can acquire and the use it.
9. Dirtbikes can go into very tight places in the woods with ease.
10. Dirtbikes work muscles in the body that you didn't know you had. Arobic intensity and strength levels are tested every time you ride.
11. The grin factor is the best. You can be sore, tired, dirty, beat up and you will still smile and say that was great.
Does this help? I have both but I prefer BIKES. I frequent DRN because the members talk about BIKES. Any more BIKE questions?
There have been attempts by rogue members to discuss ATV's, which is fine, just please do it someplace else.:uh: