Feb 25, 2001
I signed up for the local gym and have axcess to all sorts of equipment. I have been wanting to get into shape for a long long time. Does anyone have tips on a work out routine for a high endurance and working out my lower arms to help my arm pump problem. I seem to get arm pump from high vibration and not being calm when racing. Any tips would be very thankfull.


Dec 1, 2000
When I was going to the gym on a regular bases I would run 3 to 5 miles every other day and in the gym I would do these exercises.

1.warm up on lifecycle 15min every workout
2.seated dumbell curls (Helped me with armpump)
3.tricep presses
5.abs (crunches every other day)
1.Shoulder presses
2.Lat pulls
3.Horizontal rows
4.chest presses
1.Leg presses
2.Leg extensions
3.Leg curls
4.calf presses
ride till ya puke
again ride till ya puke
Start all over again Monday.
Good luck and start out with small weights and only increase them by about 5 lbs when you feel ready.

it dont hurt till the bone shows.

2001 YZ 250


Oct 9, 2000
The gym is not that great of an idea for riding training. It can do good things, but it can also make arm pump and endurance suffer. I would suggest riding(alot), running and mountain biking with a little gym training. BTW, this is what Gary Semics says, mc's trainer.

Aaron's web site


Mar 6, 2001
Endurance = Cardio.

As for the arm pump ...the only thing that helps mine is more riding. :)

(formerly XR44ME) Rick

AMA Member
NETRA Member
'00 KTM 300 MX/C

[This message has been edited by Pumpkinhead (edited 04-01-2001).]


Nov 7, 2000
I think that seat time and relaxing when riding have a lot to do with arm pump more than anything. The more you ride the more you are comfortable (I.E. relaxed) and the riding also builds up the endurance of the muscles that you use in you arms reducing arm pump.

94 dirt only DR350


Dec 1, 2000
How do you guys figure that strenth training dosent help with enduronce and musle fatigue.Anytime you exercise and get your hart rate up you are improving endurence.I bet just about anything that RC is heavy into strenth training.Thats why he can get away with little mistakes he makes.

Dont get me wrong Im not saying go to the gym and pump up like Arnold,but,do go and strengh train and after about a month you will notice a difference and be able to ride longer and ride harder.Your arm pump is not completly eliminated but you will be able to sope with it and you wont pump as hard.

it dont hurt till the bone shows.

2001 YZ 250


Oct 9, 2000
April issue of MXA I believe or MXracer, they have gary semics specificaly comment on this issue. He said strength training is bad and endurance training(bike, running, treadmill) are ALOT better.

Aaron's web site


Dec 1, 2000
I can respect the view Gary Semics takes but I cant believe he would feel that strengh training is not a valid training method.I know it helped me tremendously when I was training hard.Of course I am 33 and that may have something to to with it also.No strengh training seems to be Mcgraths problem.He just isnt strong enough to hang with RC right now.

it dont hurt till the bone shows.

2001 YZ 250


Oct 9, 2000
Strength helps, no doubt, but endurance is much better. You must train your muscles to endure long periods of hard usage, that is what arm pump is caused by. Lactic acid in the muscle from it tiring out so quickly. If you do strength training, endurance training would also be a tremendous help.

Aaron's web site


Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000
I'm going to put in my vote for strength training also. It has helped me tons, now I can hold on to the bike for longer periods and not get tired.

You can train for endurance with weights, too. Just do lighter weights for 15-20 reps and about 4 sets.

You still have to do cardio though.

Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.


Hey guys: everyone is partially correct. I have been training with weights using Gary Semics Endurance Weight Training workout for about 3 months now. It improved my motorcycle endurance in a big, big way. Now, I just wait for my buddies to get tired then roost on by.

Basically there are two different types of strengh training. One is using heavy weights/low reps and developing muscles for
power. Two is using light weights/high reps and developing muscles for endurance.

Weights combined with cardio and riding seems to be the current training program for most of the top pros. I can endorse Gary Semics program, it has elevated my riding to a new level. I race MX and occasional other types.

Oh yeah, diet is a very important part too. Trying putting some race fuel in your mouth. It makes a bigger difference than $7.00 a gallon gas for your bike.


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 27, 2001
ive been lifting for 9 months just mail me at [email protected]

and ill set you up with what your looking for.

Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000
Just my $.02

First off, my belief (& experience) is that one needs to have a certain strength level proportional to their body size before endurance training can offer any benefit. I have witnessed many people excell in various athletic activities very successfully that at first glance one would have not thought possible. IOW, a large person will inherently need to be stronger than a leaner person. Knowing that many (most?) that get into dirt bikes are not always the leanest, each has to assess their own situation and as has been said previously and decide what their goals are. (As I understand it, anything at 8-10 reps builds a good balance of strength and endurance with higher reps leaning more toward endurance.)

For my situation, the single, most beneficial exercise has been wrist curls with a full, 1 gallon water jug tied to a broom handle!!! This one exercise alone has helped my riding improve by at least 300%! It has helped not only by preventing arm pump but also tremendously increasing my grip endurance.

The only way to improve at any endeavor is to focus on your weak points and turn them into strengths.

Sorry, I think I went way over my $.02 limit ;)


Joe Hammond
Meridian, MS
'97 KTM 250 EXC, '85 XL-600
AMA, Blue Ribbon Coalition, NETRA, SERA (soon)

[This message has been edited by Smokin Joe (edited 04-02-2001).]


Sep 15, 2000
If anything, you'd want a low weight/high rep workout. Unless your a total weakling, you don't want to be adding all kinds of body mass. I've noticed that going low weight/high rep on arms/bi's/tri's helps out alot. I still go all out when it comes to back/shoulders/traps.

You want to train your arms muscles for a long ride/endurance, endless pounding. Not a one time shot, How much can I lift kinda thing.

low weight/high rep is the way to go if you want to last.

Oh yeah, Cardio helps to :) Even thought I hate it to death, it works.....


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 27, 2001
this is a pretty good routine right here.

do this routine for about 3 months and one week to 2 days a week and the next week do 3 days a week. this prevents over training uselly found in full body work outs.

leg curls 3x15

power runner 2x15

standing calf raise 1x20

hip flexion 1x15 (for each leg)

hip ext. 1x15 (for each leg)

ab crunches 2x15 (with weight)

hanging leg raises 2x15

pec deck or cable cross overs 2x10

incline bench 3x10

lat pull down 2x10

row 3x10 (i like to do t-bar rows one day
then bent over rows another. so basicly switch it up alot)

shoulder press 3x10

upright row 2x10 (DONT DO if you have a bad shoulder)

leg press 3x10

preacher curls 3x10 (helps alot with arm pump)

if you dont know what some execises are mail me at [email protected] and ill send you some diagrams.


Dec 18, 2000
Strength will come when training for muscular endurance. Stick to the 20 rep range and start with two sets and add a set when ready, until you reach 3 sets. Then add weight to your resistance.

Do not worry about the "beach" lifts, bench and curls. For riding you need to focus on the muscle groups used for your sport, quads and back.

You need to squat and deadlift. These are the staples of lifting. Yes they do appear to be olympic strength movements, but think about he fact the they really are full body lifts. This is exacly what you do when riding....use your whole body with focus on the quads and back. Isn't that what's sore monday morning?

Don't use straps when deadlifting and it will work your forearms sufficiently to build strength.

Cardio is CRITICAL, you will beat more riders with endurance, than strength. When they can't hang on and get all sloppy you'll rosst past them. When you do late in a race, they loose mentally also.

Train hard, ride hard, live long.


If you don't think I know, ask Slo'Mo. He'll vouch for my knowledge.

99 WR400f, White Bros E-Series silencer and tapered head pipe. YZ seat and tank. Thumper rad guards, works frame guards, scots steering damper. Soon to be MX-Tech suspension. SETRA, AMA, Happy Ramblers MC.

97KDX220, FMF Rev pipe and silencer, renthals.

Courage is not the absense of fear. It is the judgement that something is more important, than fear.
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