Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Did anyone elase catch Bike Week Tues night? Good feature on the Bailey family. I was laughing when they ask the professor his opinion of the current crop of riders. I felt huge admiration for David, very candid interview and very touching.

steve talley

Sponsoring Member
Oct 17, 2002
IT was the best interview i have seen in a long time.he said what he ment about the pros.And the sad part watching his son geting hurt and you could tell that even today it tears his heart out!! Hats off to the Bailey family!

calamari racer

Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2001
I've been to several Gary Bailey schools and the guy is relentless. You'll wear out before he does. I made the mistake of telling him I was weak at jumping. When our group came up to a big double jump on the track, he gets the class together, talks about how to jump it, then says "Where is number 37?(me)". As I reluctantly raised my hand, he says "go jump that jump". You could here the staples being ripped out from my seat from the pucker factor. But I did it and by the end of the class, I had a lot more confidence in my abilities. If I was a pro, he would be my personal guru.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
Yeah, and he said they are all "just happy to be a factory rider" and none of them push very hard to win (except RC and Bubba and I think he mentioned Larocco)

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