
Feb 25, 2002
Hello, I am told there is a place near Ventura/Ojai named Ballenger Canyon however searching on the net I can only find references to going there for rides or enduro's but nobody mentions where it is specifically, or how I can get there.

Anyone have any ideas?


Nov 17, 2001
Ballinger canyon is off highway 33 between ojai and cayuma.It is north of Lockwood Valley road.I have never been there.You could probably get more info from the Chuchupate ranger station(Los Padres forest) on Lockwood Valley road in Frazier Park.


Apr 29, 2001
I've been there a couple of times back when I lived in Bakersfield...this place can be brutal! Some of the black diamonds on the south side of the main road are bonafide 'do-or-die' razorbacks. Unfortunatly, many of the trails and some of the open spots have been closed over the years, so this area is smaller than say Hungry Valley. Someone told be that way back when Gorman & Ballinger used to connect?? That'd be way cool :)

There is private property around this area, so be courtious! Also, you'll need an 'adventure pass' for this area, or just take your chances on the ranger guy not showing up.


the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Hey It's Dave .. this is Eric. We met in that rocky hell at Gorman a few months ago. You were lost ... we were lost. We wound up getting out of the forest in the dark. You were with your buddy on the XR4 and I was with my bud on ... an XR4.

You should be able to get a nice map at Gorman ... not the little Hungry Valley map but a full-on map of the area which shows Ballinger Canyon pretty well. Ask for the big map that includes Ballinger when you come to the entrance booths at Gorman. they should have 'em there for you.

Check this:

Also, check 'Places to Ride' or 'Enduro' forums .. there's an enduro this weekend !
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Feb 25, 2002
found ballenger

Thanks everyone for your responses, and sorry for posting in the wrong forum.

So, as my friend and I are driving up to Ventura I'm looking at his atlas and there is Ballenger at the top of 33 way above Ojai, I had been led to believe it was closer to the 101. Anyways, on the way up there, we stopped by a Visitior info station at Wheeler Gorge and got one of those maps eric is telling me about (the big one that includes ballenger). Damn, I wish I had this map a long time ago. I am going to map out a trip from Hungry Valley, probably starting with Long Dave trail and head over to Ojai, then maybe gas up there and head back. What do you think Eric? you ready?

By the way Eric, I did not need that much of an introduction, I remembered you as I found out about this site from you and CPT_Jack. How was that Enduro this weekend? did you run in it?
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