Be carefull of MAW Colorado Springs - Internet


Dec 4, 2001
Following is the actual transcript of my nightmare last week....beware !!!

"Yes your whole order is in stock for immediate delivery"
"OK good are you sure?"
"Yes, Oh yes everything is in our warehouse now!"
"OK here is my Credit card # I will pay for 2 day shipping, you say how much??? $49? Well Ok I want this stuff OK"

(Tick, tick, tick......3 days pass.....)

"What happened to my order?"
"It will come tomorrow"
"What happened to my 2 day?"
"Talk to customer service"
"This is Stephanie in Customer service, what do you want?"
"Well I was wanting my 2 day order"
"I see it is not even in the warehouse, we don't know when it will ship"
"What? the salesman Chris lied to me"
"We don't lie at MAW"
"I want to cancel my order, with full credit to my card"
"If I get a chance"
"EXCUSE ME?, I'd like to talk with your supervisor"
"That would be the owner Richard, he doesn't talk to customers"
"I can't believe that, you people are nuts"
"you want to crawl through the internet" (Laughing)...Click

(It took some work, but here is the business number in Colorado Springs).

"hello, I'd like to speak with Richard"
"Ok, just a moment"

(Now were getting there)

"Who are you, he wants to know"
"A customer"
"Richard doesn't talk to customers"


Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000
That's one reason I buy from the local shop here. The other reason is because they sponcer the local races. And the other is that when I buy all the time from them, the give as good of deals as you would find in places like MAW and elsewhere:D

Oh. And that really sucks. Sorry bro :o :( :debil: :mad:


Dec 4, 2001
Local Shops

I guess that was my point wrath. You say it well. It is more important to support your local shops. Price is not everything. As a matter of fact I am getting the same products through a local shop for $49 less than the MAW quoted price. It is time for everyone to support the true community shops, and quit chasing internet shadows.


Oct 29, 2001
And add to that 'Support your local bicycle shops, too!" Who are you to a phone opperator? A number, a quick sale. Who are you to the local shop? A valued customer and eventually a friend. These are the guys and gals that help you select the RIGHT part and in many cases install it for a nominal fee. Sure you may pay a little more, but it's the service and convenience of the local guy that counts.:)


Aug 6, 2001
Guess who won't be getting any of my business ever ?? I would e-mail your story to every body you know who rides, and ask them to forward it to everyone they know who rides and so on. Make sure they cc you on every email, and when your list of recipients is huge, forward the email to MAW and show them all of the potential customers they just lost !!!:p


Oct 14, 2001
Local shops

Evertime I go to a local shop to buy something they tell me they don't have it in stock but they could order it. Well if they are going to order it I may as well eliminate the middle man and order it myself for a cheaper price. I have ordered from Rocky Mountain many times and have had very good results with them. That's not the first time i've heard bad things about MAW.


Oct 29, 2001

There are a lot of parts to a motorcycle and for your local shop to carry every single part is asking way too much. How are they to know what part you and everyone else is going to need? My local shop is the same way and I've heard others complain that they never have anything. I needed a couple jets and extra needle clips and they didn't have them in stock. Go ahead and use mail order when you absolutely need it right away, but give them a chance to order it for you if you don't. Maybe let them know what parts you and your riding buddies would like to see them keep in stock and create a working relationship that benefits everyone. I speak from a bicycle shop manager/partner position and I would love to carry and keep in stock a wide variety of items to keep all my customers happy and riding. However, the overhead and opperating costs of having all the right parts for every bike prohibits us from doing so. :mad: I hope this helps those of you who are fed-up with your local shop not having the right items when you need them.


Nov 10, 2001
thanks for the info on MAW. I totally agree, supporting your local shop when you can. I don't live near someone real local, but I've found Dennis Kirk does a fantastic job of customer service and always has things in stock. I highly recommend them if you are looking to shop online or via a toll free phone call. is the address.


Jan 5, 2002
I've just moved to a new area and have found a couple of bike shops in my area act similarly. I went to a local shop the other day and asked for brake shoes(rear drum) for my wife's TTR. The guy at the service counter put his car magazine down went in the back came back and tossed some brake pads (disc pads) on the counter and picked his magazine back up and continued reading. When I told him that those were for a disc and the ones I needed were drums he said "we don't have those in stock" without ever looking up at me, never checked the computer, and never offered to order them. Then, when I went to pay for a few other things at the register, I asked if they accepted local checks. The guy says yes and rings up my purchase. I filled out the check handed it to him and he hands me a brochure for some telephone check clearing agency. He handed me the phone and told me I had to call them myself. They answered the phone, took my info, then told me that because I hadn't cleared a check through them before, they couldn't clear this one. She couldn't even tell me how to go about signing up for this service! Sometimes there are better choices than local shops.


Oct 24, 2001
I'll give you an excellent reason to support your local dealer/shop. When a warranty issue comes up, that dealer wants to keep your business. They will submit a warranty claim that may be borderline and back you up. My local Honda dealer did this for me. I have been a regular customer, get a 10-15% discount (depends on the item) and I never have to worry about returns. They get it right or make it right everytime.

I appreciate and support Cochise Motorsports in Sierra Vista, AZ. Their willingness to share their technical expertise and sincere friendliness cannot be beat.


Jul 24, 2001
What is it about companies that makes them think they can get away with being crappy to their customers? Don't these people realize that WE are the ones paying their bills and keeping them in business! I can't help to think that if I owned a company,OF ANY KIND, that I would treat the customers as numero uno and go out of my way to give them the respect they deserve.
Obviously MAW does not realize that WE have the ability to put them out of business! That's right folks, everbody makes mistakes, and they should be given the chance to fix them and make things right, but it appears that MAW has used up their chances. WE are the ones that need to make the decision if we need a company like this around. It's sounds like the beginning of the end for MAW.


Sep 17, 2001
Man, that sucks. I was gonna give those guys some business, but not now. I've had pretty good luck with Hi-per Sports so far. I used to deal with Chapparral a lot, but I can't even get those bozo's to even send me a catalog now. Their website sucks, and I ordered a catalog online, and directly over the phone a few weeks later. Never recieved either catalog. They lost a pretty hefty Xmas order, that was picked up by Hi-per.

I would use my local shop, but they are even worse. I have a pretty cool shop about a half hour away, but they are very small, and do not stock much other than OEM parts. I do get a good discount from them though, and they take good care of me when I am there. If somebody opened up a real bike shop in this town, they would KILL the local shop. If I just had the money, and the pull. :p


Jan 8, 2002

<Mod edit>
This is the fifth time you've tried to spam for the same company. You won't be warned a sixth time.
<end edit>

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