Yeah shave it to a goat, then if you dont like it shave it all. It looks fine either way, beard makes you look older, and no beard makes you look like a kid. :)
Shaving is over rated and takes way to much time, but with that said you have to keep the wiskers looking in order. If could actaully grow a full beard I would. That I could just hit it with the trimmer once a week :) Call me lazy!
A hairless Eunuch would know best! Thanks for the words of wisdom! I'm sure PK will be very thankful for the help from someone so experienced! :p
Hmm... the PK I originally met had no face fuzz. So I'm inclined to say "off with it!" You DO look a little scarier with the beard, though. :laugh:
Keep it for the winter, then decide if you still like it when it's 85 outside! :scream:
I had a goat for so long that i shaved it once and found a patch of skin whiter than my ass. This was during winter so i had to go with a white, hairless goat for a month til it grew back.
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