
May 26, 2009
I just picked up my first dirtbike. After the bike runs for 5 mins or so and I turn the engine off. It starts "peeing" fuel out of one of the tubes from the bottom of the motor. Seems like something minor, but I don't know what to adjust to fix this. Must be a carb adjustment, but which one? I have a 2002 CR125R. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.....


Oct 28, 2008
Float height. You have to pull the bowl off and bend the tang on the floats so that the valve closes just a bit sooner. A little peeing is normal, consistent peeing means the float valve is either sticking open, or the float height is set too high.


May 19, 2006
Floats don't just bend themselves way out of adjustment. Almost every time I see this it is dirt in the needle and seat. Clean or replace the needle and seat in the carb and all should be well. If someone did bend the float out of adjustment, you can bend it back into place. You can eyeball it to make the float arms parallel with the bottom of the carb, but it is better to get a manual, look up the correct float height and measure it when adjusting.
If you just go in there and start bending the float without any reference, you can damage you engine by making it too lean. and if it is your needle and seat, all the bending in the world won't stop the overflow.
A properly adjuster and cleaned carb won't "pee" any fuel unless you lean the bike on its side.
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