
Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
I haven't seen anyone post about the Bin Laden video that was released. There seemed to be no question before about the guilt of this guy, but my blood is boiling again.

They say this event benefitted true Islam greatly.... my gosh, how can anyone that has any sense and morals believe that an attack of such magnitude is beneficial to anyone much less an entire religion. Gotta stop grinding my teeth... arrr!:mad:


Jun 5, 2001
Do we really need anything else to hate this guy any more then we already do?! I think he's done enough for my hate vote already. I don't need another video of him smiling and eating. I'll pass on it, thanks anyway.


Aug 2, 2001
Bin Laden is a sorry <ADMIN EDIT>
If I ever met him I torure him 3 fold.

Once as an American
Once as a Human Being
And once (probably the worst one) as a MUSLIM!

I hate the idiot and all the rest of the Mullah types.

I saw the video. He is an idiot but mind you he is not the brains behind Al Queda. The reall masterming is the Egyptian Zawahiri dude.

I said it from the beginning and I say it again. Look in Osama's eyes when he talks. HE does not have the brain power to be a mastermind. He is just the poster boy for Zawahiri i. See if they show Bin Laden as a billionare, a man with everything this world has to offer, who gave up everything to fight for god.

He is a living Martyr. Used to motivate the rest of the idiots.

Just my .02.

It was Zawahiri who convinced Bin Laden to fight instead of just donate money. He is also the guy who started several other terrorist groups including the Egyptian Jihad.

Jihad in Islam means a struggle. Mostly within ones self.

If there is war there are rules to war.

1. Killing women is Forbidden
2. Killing Children is Forbidden
3. Killing the ELderly is forbidden
4. IF your enemy is not armed you are not allowed to harm him in any way.
5. If you kill one innocent person it is the same sin as killing all of Mankind.
6. Killing of Muslims is forbidden (800 Muslims still missing in WTC rubble)
7. Destruction of buildings is forbidden.

These are just a few. As you can see Sept 11th violated every rule of war in ISLAM!!

I say lets do the same to any killer, but especially those who do it in the name of God.




Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by kingriz1
I said it from the beginning and I say it again. Look in Osama's eyes when he talks. HE does not have the brain power to be a mastermind. He is just the poster boy for Zawahiri i
When I worked in Egypt for awhile, I ran into the same thing with the Egyptians. The majority of them could not mastermind a trip to the Pyramids. The ones that were educated seemed to be of average intelligence at least, but more often than not it seemed like they all thought that all we as Americans wanted was to take over and rule the world. I was asked this almost daily. This just goes to show how easily and blatantly mislead these countries and cultures are. Is this the influence of those like that of Zawahiri or the sentiment in general of the whole culture? I don't know, but it was overwhelming.

I also worked awhile in Oman which is right next to Yemen. While there, I primarily had Pakistanis working for me. These people were some of the hardest working and for the most part of average or above average intelligence. At least they did seem capable of forming there own thoughts and did not seem pre-disposed to the "American Capitalist Pig" train of thought. They also seemed to have a genuine respect for America. I have to say that I had quite a bit of respect for the ones that I worked with also. I was woriking a 28 day rotation, but these guys were woking over there for 15 weeks at a time before going home for 4-5 weeks and then comiing back.

Anyway, I had heard most of what you had said before and what I do know about the Muslims is in line with what you say. I still work rotations, but now it's in the Gulf of Mexico for 2 weeks at a time so, I have to admit that I had not heard the name Zawahiri before, only that there were other conspirators from Egypt.

Anyway, I just have to vent a little bit and wanted an ear... and kingriz I am right there with ya...


Aug 2, 2001
Oldasskdx I did not say they were all stupid I just said Osama doesnt strike me as a mastermind! I have thoroughly studies Al Queda and as far as I can see it is Zawahiri. He has the resume to be the brains behind this stuff.

motohead00-- Nice 'Stang dude!

Happy Riding,



Dec 31, 1969
Let's not get into this PC crapola again. Express your opinions, but PALEEZE try to do it without such generalizations. It's not a matter of being "PC", it's a matter of being intelligent enough to realize that judging a large group of people based on contact or actions of a few is ridiculous. Egyptians are dumb, Pakistanis are smart? Really? Kinda like southerers are dumb and northerners are smart?
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