Body for life workout, gaining weight


Dec 2, 1999
Well i decided to try and get in shape this year, so about 3 weeks ago i started on the Body for life workouts. I know everyone says go on how you look and feel and not the scales, but this morning i decided to jump on the scales and i've gained 8 pounds, i cant believe thats all muscle.

I would really like to hear from the people that have tried this program to see if they have had something like this happen.

I feel better and stronger already but i wanted to lose some weight and this kinda alarms me. He doesnt have you doing much cardio maybe i need to up that and back off on the weights i dont know, but i will stay with the program for the 12 weeks and see what happens, maybe its just a fluke.

Thanks Greg


UPSMAN-Are you sure you didn't substitute cheesecake smoothies for your Myoplex shakes?:scream: Seriously, I lost a bunch of weight in the first couple of days and wound up losing about 24 lbs. in the 8 weeks that I was on the program. I was not lifting at all after the first week because of a crash and I wasn't doing more than 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week.
I believe the goal of the program is body "reshaping" rather than weight loss, however. I would go by what the tape measure says more so than the scale. I did notice that my clothes fit a lot better. Better than the amount of weight loss would indicate. Personally, I don't know what rate muscle can be gained, but I'm pretty sure it's not 8 lbs. a week! Just use the tape and disregard the scale for now.:)


Dec 2, 1999
Big Lou thanks for the reply, no cheescake smoothies here i have been doing the 6 small meals as much as possible. Actually i have gained 8 pounds in 3 weeks which makes it slightly more tolerable but still not what im looking for.I do think i have lost a little around the middle and dont really know where the 8 pounds is but its there, i guess i will stay away from the scales for another 9 weeks and see what happens.

Later Greg


May 25, 2001
UPSMAN, I'm on the program also. I too gained weight within the first couple of weeks - 7 lbs. Before I began the program, I had my body fat % tested. When I started the third week, I again had my body fat% tested and I actually lost body fat while I gained lean weight. I'm at the end of week three and have lost 4 Lbs from the peak weight.

I also think I should be doing more cardio, I run 2.5 miles every 2 or 3 days. I can make the entire run now non-stop. when I started, I couldn't make 1 1/2 miles non stop.

BTW - I'm 39 soon to be 40 in March.

Last year, 1/2 way thru the racing season, I fractured my shoulder and the lack of exercise and racing, I added about 10-15lbs which now I'm trying to shed.

Let me know how you're doing on the program...

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slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
scales are evil contraptions

often they do nothing but discourage people to go back to their former habits. Stick to the program and I promise you will see the results. The BFL program is about reshaping yourself and correcting bad nutrition. The more cardio you do, the more fat you will burn. The more weightlifting you do, the more muscle you will build which promotes fat burning. Don't think that lifting alone will do it and there is no "magic pill" Hard work and the more of it you do the better the results. BMI tests and a plain old cloth tape measure are the best tools.
on my first 12 week cycle I went from 238 to 214, then to 208. Got lazy on the cardio again and back up to 224 but I still have more muscle than ever. My problem is getting the resistant fat off my middle.
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