
Sponsoring Member
Jan 2, 2002
Ok, reading that post earlyer about all start Booing got me to thinking. :) (not a good thing for me to do)

I was watching some of my 02 SX races that i recorded and WHY would anyone in the right mind BOO RC. I dont like him, But i respect him and what he has done for the sport. He makes everyone step it up or get lapped and for that he deserves respsect. :|

If anyone has any reason that they would Boo RC or why someone else would Boo him i would like to hear them!

PS: Before anyone starts flamming me for this i did a search and i didnt get any results.
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Jun 19, 2000
It's not unusual for good guys to get booed. Dale Ernhart (RIP) made a good living out of being booed. Jeff Gordan gets booed all the time. Getting booed is not necessarily a bad thing. An old friend of my once gave me this sage advice "You'll never get your ^ss kicked at the back of the pack." Since he was from Oklahoma, I will attempt to translate, "No one booes a looser". Bottom line is love him or hate him, everyone is watching when RC is on the track.



Aug 26, 2000
There are four types of fans 1. The band wagoners or fair weather fans who only root for the person that's on top. 2. The rider fan who roots for their favorite rider no matter where they finish. 3. The bike fan who roots for a person on a particular bike they like or own. 4. The underdog fan who always wants to see the champion falter and somebody new take the podium.
Like Whoops stated, being booed is just part of being on top. Everybody knows who you are and that you're the one to beat.


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
I heard a saying from a past co worker, about people talking behind his back, and he said " well at least they are talking about me, good or bad, they are still spending their time discussing me..."
just like booing, you have to boo for a reason, so that individual is getting their recognition...
I have never boo'ed at any racing event, since it isnt really a team sport and I cant be out there competing, in reality I should boo myself....
I have boo'ed at NFL or MLB games, but that is more so at the arch rival team coming into the stadium, which is part of the spectator / home field advantage....

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
An old man told me a long time ago that it not when people are talking about you that you have to worry, it's when they don't say anything.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by Jeff Gilbert
An old man told me a long time ago that it not when people are talking about you that you have to worry, it's when they don't say anything.

i don't recall saying that. :eek:

KDX'r in IN

May 26, 2001
i think jeff gordon also said something along the lines of... if i am getting booed that means i am doing something your driver isn't and if that is winning so be it..


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
An old man told me once "If they're booing me, that means they're leaving someone else alone."

I boo RC because I just don't like him. 'Nuff said.

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