
Jul 1, 2000
Monday was a great day for fun in the sun at Deer creek. Hot weather in '90s required frequent breaks in shade. Took some long, fun single track trails through the woods. Riding around Lyons lake and stopping to cool off with a splash or 2 of lake water. Steep hill climbs that were usually makeable in 1 try required about 3, due to the thick dust combined with loose rocks and ruts. Was cruising through manzanita and pine on trail 4 and I rode right into a gang of cows:scream: One of them went into the bushs but the other one just sidestepped right into the middle of trail totally blocking my path. It was a face off Ktm rider vs cow. I tried reving engine, throwing sticks but he was snorting and pawing ground. I had thoughts of the running of the Bull in Spain, and fremontguy running up a tree leaving helpless 300 to be trampled. It was hot so hooked a 180 and took trail 5. Cow won?


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Win Win Situation

I'd say you walked, or rode away a winner. Guess the cow did too! I grew up on a farm and hated working with cows. Any time you walk away with no wounds from an encounter with a cow is a good day!

Now hogs are another story, give me a two by four and I'm set to rumble!


May 16, 2001
Had a similar experience with a herd of ELK in Colorado once. We come around a corner full tilt on a dirt road and a bunch of Elk are blocking the entire road. We lock em up and skid to a stop within a few feet of them. All I remember thinking is "WOW, Elk are REALLY TALL!" They just stand there and do nothing for a few moments and then slowly walk off. No idea if they are generally nice animals or not but I consider myself real lucky that nobody got hurt. :eek:


Aug 13, 1999
I say BULL!!! ;)

My daughter encountered a baby bear and it's momma a couple weekends ago on Mica. Fortunately the momma didn't think she looked like a very tasty little M&M and ran off with the baby.

We did have to have a little discussion about why baby bears ARE NOT cute and why you need to turn around and get the heck outa there and why the little ones are not to take off before at least on of us big ones does! :eek:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Gangs are groups of inner city kids. Groups af cattle are a herd.
Cow's are she's. If it's a he, it's a bull. If you don't know the diference look between the back legs.:D


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
a couple of years ago, a guy i used to race with was riding his street bike at night. he hit a bull that had gotten out. neither survived.


Mar 27, 2001
I’ve always been fascinated whenever I see animals out on the trail or hear about other people and their experiences with seeing animals while out riding. I guess this is because I’ve always been a city girl except for the three years that we lived on a couple acres in Lake Mathews. It took me a year to remember to watch where I walked so as to not step on a snake sunbathing, and then it took me a year after we moved back to the city to realize that I could stop watching for snakes. The first time I seen one I almost stepped on it. It was laying on the walkway from the driveway to the house. Oh, man! I didn’t know I could jump so high or scream so loud. All I kept thinking was feet don’t fail me now! In the short three years that we did live there, I saw some incredible things—or at least they were incredible to me. I seen snakes, scorpions, coyotes, mountain lions, bobcats (very scary), lizards, rabbits, roadrunners, woodpeckers, vultures (very gross looking), and many strange looking insects that I don’t know what they were. I also saw a deer or an elk—I’m not sure what it was, I just know it was huge.

I’ve also come across sheep on more than one occasion while riding in the Stoddard Valley area. When I first saw them I thought they were rocks, then I thought my eyes were playing games on me because these rocks were moving. The color of their wool blends in with the desert & it is hard to tell what they are until you’re almost right on top of them.


Aug 13, 1999
KTMster that sounds about like my house now - minus the scorpions! A woodpecker woke us all up a couple mornings ago - luckily he was out on a stump and not on my house!

Had to shoot a porcupine that my hound had treed last weekend cause I hate taking him to the vet.

Had to get the hound off of a treed racoon the weekend before that, then there's the deer, wild turkeys, grouse, bobcat, bears, bunnies, mountain lions, moose, elk........luckily the hound keeps everyone away except for the one deer that follows him around. I think she's in love with him.


Sep 9, 2000
I've had a few near misses with animals myslef. Since I am usually most of the time, I have scared the tar out of myself a number of times. The worst scare I have had was an encounter with a cow on a mountain dirtroad. I was mad cause I had lost my keys and couldn't find them so of course I was just flying and came around a long sweeper on my XR600 wide open only to find a bunch of cows standing in my way. I didn't even have two seconds to react and all I saw was a flash of cow on both sides, I don't know how I missed, maybe I went right through:eek: .

Deer have been another problem, I near hit two of them, both of them sporting antlers too, luckily they decided to go one way and I the other.

The only animal I have hit was a fox that darted in front of me while I was chasing him on a canal bank. I really thought I was going for a swim on that one. As for the fox, I really felt bad cause I was just having some fun...poor critter.

bbbom, your daughter's story has to be the scariest of all, not so much in the bear but the potential sticky sittuation with her having cubs and all. I don't even want to be on the same mountain and a sow and cubs.
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Mar 27, 2001
bbbom: You are so lucky to live some place like that. It also sounds like you have a wonderful hound, no wonder the deer is in love with him. :)

fremontguy: If I came across a cow that was snorting & pawing the ground, I think I'd let him win too! :scream:


Jul 21, 1999
KLX- as a general rule no, Elk are not particularly friendly creatures and yes they are BIG. When in a heard they will tend to run, but don't get them by them selves, they figure they have to fight!

KTMster: Here is a short list of critters I've seen.

Deer (Mulies and Whitetails)
Porcupines (two on trail I thought were rocks during a night ride)
Red Fox (Ran along side of me for about 30 yards)
Ruffed/Blue Grouse
Wild Turkey
Back end of a Mountain Lion leaving FAST:scream:

More rabbits,squirrels, rodents and MooCows than I can count.

Seen both Moose and Bear in Canada, but never on a trail ride, but I'm waiting!

It's one of the pluses of living in Colorado!

Guess all these critters have negleted to read the Greenie propaganda about how we disturb the wildlife huh?

Jake T

Mar 23, 2000

I've seen tons of deer when I ride, especially around dusk! It's scary cause they run in
front of cars around here a lot and I'm afraid one of them might have a death wish when it
sees me! Besides deer I also seen rabbits and pheasants. It's kinda scary when you see
one of those flash across the trail inches from your front tire.


Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by Rodzilla
Seen both Moose and Bear in Canada, but never on a trail ride

We are headed to Kennedy Meadows this weekend. I heard there are bears up there and I am hoping that I do not see one--especially on the trail! :scream:
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