Brother In Law


Feb 9, 2004
Ok, so my brother in law is thinking about getting a brand new KX 250F to go trail riding with. That's what the sales man was trying to talk him into.

He is 50 years old and has never ridden a bike before. I’m a bit concerned for his safety! I’ve never ridden a 250F before but I'm familiar with the KDX 200 and was wondering if anyone can give me an idea of what the difference is between the 250F and the KDX when it comes to trail riding?

I just don't want my brother in law to hurt himself by getting too much bike and not knowing what to do with it. Thanks for the input!


May 10, 2007
The 250f is a very rideable bike. They make smooth tractable power and are easy to ride slow. They are pretty high maintenance though.....
Dec 15, 2010
Ive heard that the 450r makes for a better trail bike...yep the 250s are more to maintain. If he just wants to trail ride then why not look at the ktm 300 or even better the easier to ride husaberg 300? :)


Nov 13, 2008
The KX's make miserable trail bikes, especially for a novice rider. An experienced rider could probably make one work, a neophyte will be very frustrated.

Difference: the KDX was designed as a enduro/trail bike, very controllable, easy to ride, not intimidating, comfortable for long hours in the saddle.

The KX was designed as a motocross bike, a competition machine. I have ridden them. They are happiest when ridden at high speed, at full throttle, on a wide open track (no trees, no roots, no rocks, no tight clutch-slipping-in-first-gear corners). The suspension is much stiffer, in keeping with the high-speed and big jumps commonly found on MX tracks.

The only similarity between the two bikes is they are both made by Kawasaki and have the same color tires. ;)

EDITED to correct spelling
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Mar 11, 2013
I race hare scrambles, and I have a 1994 kx125. It's more mild for woods, and my suspension is very soft. I would say a new Kawasaki would not be the answer. The new ones rip way to hard for trails. Especially for a beginner. If he really wants something new I would recommend a ktm 200 or 300. Another option is a crf250 or 450x. If I were him I wouldn't get a new bike. He doesn't really know if he will love riding.


Nov 16, 2007
I also say stay away from a mx bike for trail riding UNLESS you are experienced.
Its not designed for it, small flywheel, hard suspension, no side stand... I could carry on. Fire that salesmen!!!!
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