Budds Creek Spoiler


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
RC is till mu hero, a more dedicatied racer you will not find; and G.O.A.T. CR has stepped it up and is winning me over :nod: J-mack I cannot warm up to, but I think his problem is overconfidence (never had to race with RC and CR before and it is a lot harder than the guys he was racing last year and just being the most talented rider on the planet is not enough in the big class) and conditioning coming back from injury. was he on the pace the whole moto or did RC just leave him at the 20 minute mark? BTW big thumbs up to Tedesco (NM homie)


Nov 5, 2001
BEEF706 said:
J-mack........I think his problem is overconfidence (never had to race with RC and CR before and it is a lot harder than the guys he was racing last year and just being the most talented rider on the planet is not enough in the big class)

its almost like DejaVu!!! so at what point does Okie get served his big slice of humble pie? :nod:

brit yz125

Jan 7, 2005
what does GOAT stand for?
Good On Any Terrain?
Goes All Out 4 Trophies?
Ginger, Outstanding And Talented?
Get Over Alls Terrifically?


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
RC is the GOAT until proven otherwise.

dbd--all sarcasm/tongue in cheek stuff. We all know Alessi's hurt. The kid's amazing. It was just a rib shot.

The rumor was that Stewart was to be on a 450 at Red Bud--is that BS, or what? Anyone hear anything else? I thought Stewart had an incredible showing for what he's going through right now, and I wouldn't expect anything more (yet). Reed is riding much better than I thought he would/could. Fair Dinkum on that dude. Good on ya.


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
nephron said:
The rumor was that Stewart was to be on a 450 at Red Bud--is that BS, or what?

I'm not sure the AMA rules would allow that. The KXF450 is not a 2005 production model.


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Although the track was changed somewhat this year, I just looked up the lap times at Budd's last year. Stewart went 2:29 and 2:26 and beat 2nd place by over a minute in both motos (Tedesco in the 2nd moto). Anyone who thinks he's riding to the best of his abilities right now is nuts. You would have to factor in a 10 second increase in difficulty (of the track) to account for this difference in speed.

Captain Obvious--isn't there still a pre-production exemption?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
nephron said:
Captain Obvious--isn't there still a pre-production exemption?
a one year "works bike" exemption, but they may be saving it til next year. Suzuki is actually using the "works" exemption this year for RC's bike, making sure it makes it thru its shake down cruise, so to speak.

Dunno, Dowd's a privateer and managed to hang pretty well on relatively stock equipment at the 'wick.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001

What were Carmichaels times last year? Or are you implying that James beat Ricky's times by 6-9 seconds on a 125 last year?

I think Bubba is riding at or very near his abilities. I just think the simple fact that nobody wants to accept is that RC has him covered. I would also go as far as saying RC has a bit more in reserve.

Call me nuts I guess.


Jul 20, 2004
The track was significantly different this year.

I wanted to pin the fact that Ricky was pulling 2-3 seconds away from Bubba each lap on the 2stroke vs 4 stroke, but when watching them both, it was clear that Ricky was riding smoother yesterday. He was just a better rider (and he even was so bold as to say that when interviewed). Chad Reed impressed me and also, in the second Moto, KW came close to beating Bubba also. I'm not convinced that Bubba is riding at the top of his game, but in the end its the results that count anyway.

In the 125s, I was disappointed with Langston...thought he'd be up front both races, but only managed a 3rd in the 1st moto (and that was only due to 2nd&3rd place runners taking themselves out) and then finished 19th in the second. Alessi was very lackluster in the first moto for no apparent reason and in the second moto he was looking good in 2nd chasing Grant until the last laps when he ended up in 5th position...don't know if he just made a major mistake somewhere I couldn't see or if it was due to fading, but if it was fading, he faded fast and I don't think he fell because he didn't loose enough time off of the lead. Wish you could see the whole track!!! Millsaps was mediocre at best in both motos. Hepler looked strong the first moto, but didn't look good at all the 2nd moto. Short was challenging Brown for most of the first moto until Hepler and Short collided at the bottom of the finish line jump...I didn't see it, but some said that Hepler took him out. The second moto, Short fell at the start and charged up into the top 20 but then faded...I suspect bike issues from the crash. Brown was my unexpected favorite rider of the day...had to admire him.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
James said:
What were Carmichaels times last year? Or are you implying that James beat Ricky's times by 6-9 seconds on a 125 last year?.

Per the AMA Page, RC on the CRF450did a 2:25.9 in both Moto 1 and Moto 2 and a 2:24.5 in practice. Bubba was 2:29.5 in moto 1, 2:26.5 in Moto 2 and 2:26 in practice.

BTW, the weather this year was mild and the track was 'smooth' (well, at least according to RC). Look for RC to win by even bigger margins when the tracks and heat are brutal.


Jul 20, 2004
Ryone said:
It sounds like RC and JBS were going at it in practice... LINK

Thanks for that..it explains some of what happened that I missed. I didn't know that Carmichael fell, or that Langston fell at the 2nd start.

Did anyone take an FM radio to the race? I had one but could not find the 91.7FM that was supposed to be broadcasting the announcers.

I'm still curious how Alessi went from running strong in 2nd to 6th/5th place in a single lap. I don't think that fading accounts for that...there must have been an incident somewhere on the track.


Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
Ryone said:
It sounds like RC and JBS were going at it in practice... LINK

In Sunday morning’s first practice, he and Carmichael came together several times on the pristine Budds Creek track. At one point, Stewart ran RC up in the banners near the mechanics’ area, and the champ retaliated by kicking at Bubba’s bike. Then the two took off on a fast lap, and when Carmichael could not catch Stewart, the 19-year-old went off each of the tabletop jumps along the pit area, looking back and taunting Carmichael. When Carmichael came in, a member of his pit crew summoned the Asterisk Mobile Medics for a look at a slice on his finger that was bleeding profusely. They stitched him up, but Carmichael’s people kept it quiet, maybe not wanting the other sharks in the 250 class to smell any blood in the water.

Looks like Buckwheat is trying to get into RC's head since he can't beat him with his skills. It is not going to happen RC is as tough mentally as he is physically. Bubba is just going to end up looking like a poor sport. :|

Taunting is not going to work either, like when he let Reed by and then past him again. If he starts that crap with the big boys somebody is going to park his :moon:.


Jun 18, 2004
More from Racer X during an interview with Bubba... LINK

My favorite pieces from the interview:
But he did not want to talk about what happened in practice between himself and Ricky Carmichael, electing to let that little fire die out on its own before it became another blaze.
Maybe because he got beat straight up during the actual race?
Kawasaki is working their behinds off to get that 450 ready, and I think a lot of things will be different if I get that. I need a little bit more right now.
I think I ride harder than anyone out there. Ricky, Chad.…
I’m not on the same bike. Kawasaki has a great motorcycle, but in sections here and there, I have to ride really hard. I feel if they were on the two-strokes and I were on the four-stroke, they would be feeling the same thing.

It sounds like Bubba (I guess J-Mac didn't work out) is blaming some of his results on the bike. Not for his DNF's or DNS, but on his inability to beat Ricky.



Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
:laugh: I would love to see RC and Reed pull out the 2-strokes at Red Budd and whip him like a red headed step-child. If he thinks he is working hard now wait until he has to throw the extra 10 pounds are so from the thumper. He does not want to admit it but it seems like conditioning to me plain and simple.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 24, 2001
Sounds like 06' KX250 sales will be through the roof.... :|


Jan 9, 2000
Okiewan said:
Haven't you figured it out yet Marcus? I NEVER go for the obvious favorite; where's the fun in that?. Humble Pie / Crow isn't that bad. You get used to it.

Okie i didnt say a thing-unless you think i post in bruces name? thsi subject has you so in a spin you are going senile :rotfl:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
mafols said:
Sounds like 06' KX250 sales will be through the roof.... :|

I imagine Bubba's remarks are not doing much for '05 sales, either.

I wonder if Kawi has decided to use their exemption or not?

We know what Bubba wants, but there is some risk from Kawasaki's persepctive. Firstly, the season is already 1/3 over - maybe they want to save the exemption for their next all new model and benefit for a full season.

Secondly, what if Bubba's results don't improve on the thumper? It's going to make the new bike look as 'bad' as the KX250 that Bubba is already bitching about.

Decisions, decisions....


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
mafols said:
Sounds like 06' KX250 sales will be through the roof.... :|
hes being paid to try and make any bike he rides look good............my boss would....... minimum give me a day off if i was to make his product look bad in front of thousands of people :rotfl:

i need a job at kwak and i'll make them look twice as bad for half bubbas salary :p
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