Buffalo range/Ottawa IL additional info needed


Oct 28, 2000
I was going to head out to Buffalo range in Ottawa IL this Sunday. From what I have read the place where you register is about a mile or so from the riding area.
The address I have is 1252 N 2803 rd Road, Ottawa, IL. Is this where I go to register? I suppose they will then give me directions to the riding area.
Is the sand pit and MX track easy to find there? Is the MX track open to ride any time the park is open?
Any impressions good or bad? Trails/areas out there that are a must ride?


Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
Yes, you have it right. You register to ride at Buffalo Range about a mile before the actual riding area. From the sign-up area, it's easy to find, the riding area is on the same road, just a mile or so west of where you register.

The MX track is open all the time for riding. It's a decent track, the surface is clay and it's very fast and European-style, but the bad thing is that it's generally not maintained very well. It's usually very dusty. Once in a while, they will bring a tractor out and groom it a bit, and then it's not too bad. The overall layout of the track is fun. It's just never watered and rarely prepped.

As for the woods stuff, the trails are not marked. There is a lot of really nice riding at Buffalo, but it can be difficult to find your way around there if you're not familar with the place. If possible, try to hook up with some people who ride there regularly to show you around. The terrain is very diverse, with every kind of surface from sand to clay and black dirt and plenty of elevation changes. It's just not a maintained trail system. I won't be there this weekend, but if you go over there on another weekend, I'd be happy to show you around.
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