
Oct 14, 2001
this kid we used to go riding with has a 1982 XR80 that has been broken down in his garage for a year. now this thing is really messed up and he doesn't really have any desire to ride anymore, so he gave it to me and i was gonna take the engine to my gokart. i got the bike all apart and the engine would work perfectly but now his dad wants it back. now i know it's still really his, but that kid asked his dad if they were gonna get it fixed when they get it back and he said "no". so he's gonna take it back to sit in his garage? this isn't a flame or anything, i'm not mad, just confused. i wish i had a shifter kart sooo bad.


Oct 14, 2001
i seriously don't think you can sell it. it's spray painted, everything that can bend is bent. it doesn't run for more than a half mile if it starts at all. just trust me, it is the worst looking thing i've ever seen. he bought it for $300 3 years ago. but oh well
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