!california City!

coal cracker

Sep 23, 2005
:) I just moved out to California City about a week ago from New Mexico. I am not lying when I say I about jacked off when I pulled into town on Saturday and saw more dirt bikes and quads and toyhaulers than my eyes could handle!!! Am I in heaven???? I registered the 250X during the week and got a green sticker! Where is the best place to ride right here in cal city???? I am ready to get the 250X out since it has been sitting for a few months. Sold the wifes bike before we moved so I stil got to buy her a 4 wheeler (yeah she want to go to the dark side). :)


Oct 17, 2006
My boy and I rode in your neighborhood two weekends ago...

Lost Mine area- the cross road was 20 Mule Team Parkway and the 395. Look for all those toyhaulers.... :cool:

This was our first time riding in your Neck-a-da-woods.... I get the feeling that you can sling a dead cat in any direction and hit a good riding area. :nod:


Add Edit:
I would be remiss if I did not mention the vertical mine shafts found in the desert. You don't want to go off trail and jump just any ole bump you see. Some mine shafts are marked...many are not.


Apr 18, 2006
There are a number of official Off Highway areas around you and thousands of places where you can get away with riding. Here is a link that will gives a fairly extensive list:


For official (legal) spots my favorites are Jawbone Canyon, Red Rock and Stoddard Valley.

You may not be so thrilled with your new town in another four months, it gets pretty darn hot out there! I have never figured out why anyone moves to California City or why they built that city in the first place. Just out of curiosity, what made you move from New Mexico to such a place?


coal cracker

Sep 23, 2005
I am a powered support system mechanic that got off active duty 6 months ago, i got a civil service job out here at Edwards AFB. The heat ain't a thing for me over the past 8years I have lived 3 in the sonoran desert in AZ, 2 on a tropic island that did not see a day under 90 degrees with 100% humidity, 1 in Saudi Arbia and Iraq where 140 is a reality, and 2 in the Chihuahuan desert in NM (not to mention I work outside). The desert has a way of getiing in your blood and once you live thre you just can't get away from it. At least I can't. :p

coal cracker

Sep 23, 2005
Another good reason to move here is because when the rest of CA falls into the ocean we will have some great oceanfront property with more beach than imaginable! :nener: