Why should tree huggers care?
Of corse, if they were not in every one elses biz anyway they would not be tree huggers I suppose.
As far as camel backs go, they rule! I use mine for every thing, biking, cycling, hiking, kayacking, you name it!
I have using Cameltoes since they first came out. I like the product and I am not going to cut off my nose to spite my face. I paid for them, and I am going to use them. How can we hope to get people to support us if we say, "we don't like you because you don't advertise in our sports publications". So they do and we still tell them to go to hell. They are coming around, I think they deserve at least an 'atta boy'. I get a lot of odd looks as I ride by on my MTB and they see "DIE TREE HUGGERS" in large white letters on my Cameltoe. Besides, I like cake. :)
One ad in one magazine will not change my determination not to buy Camelbak products as long as they continue to financially support the enviro-whacko groups that want our sport eradicated. If you don't buy their products, they will not have the money to give to these extremist groups in the first place.
I've got the $20.00 Target hydration system, and it works great! It also has two zippered storage areas where you can carry some snacks. I highly recommend it to those who are thinking about getting something, but can't justify the $50.00 they get for a Camelback.
And besides that, Target stores donate money back into your community for charitable causes!
At the last Sea Otter Classic MTB race I struck up a conversation with a Camelbak rep and we chatted away about mountain bikes and dirt bikes. He rides, as do some of the other Camelbak guys, so they are not all evil.
I have taken off all of the tags on my drink systems, so I am not advertising for them. I am holding off buying another CB product for now, but if they start supporting us in a couple of venues I will buy another of their drink systems.
I have 3 or 4 CamelBaks (the lables are missing of course). I think they realize that they can't straddle the fence anymore on land use issues. Also I think CamelBak realizes that most of the tree humpers, err I mean huggers, don't buy CamelBaks. Tree buggers don't need them because they wear giant home made back packs made from left over hemp products and drink home brew from a goat bladder (goat died of natural causes not doubt). My only gripe with CamelBak at this point would be, why not make a CamelBak that is made to a attach to a chest protector (on the back of it, if you're listening CamelBak).
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